Retreat Dharma Talks
SFI Sunday Nights
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2001-01-01 (365243 days)
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community
Living by Vow
Pamela Weiss
This talk will explore what it means to walk a spiritual path and live from our deepest intentions and aspirations.
What Does It Mean To Be Free?
Pamela Weiss
Drawing on teachings from the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta and the Upādānas, this talk explores walking the path as radical reorientation, and the relationship between freedom and letting go.
Relationship as the Dharma Path
Devon Hase,
Nico Hase
Cultivating wise and skillful relationships is one way to frame the entire path to awakening. How are we relating to ourselves, other beings, and the world? During our time together, we'll explore how the practice of wise relationship leads to full awakening.