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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Liberating Awareness

The Buddha’s path of practice can open us to a state of being that is both 'in the world and not of the world'. An abiding where we are no longer reliant on certain conditions and circumstances for our wellbeing. At the heart of this path is the Buddha’s teaching on the Four Establishings of Mindfulness, cultivating the very awareness and understanding that frees our heart. The invitation is both profound and pragmatic.

During this retreat, we explore and apply these Four Establishings of Mindfulness, whilst embracing continuity of practice throughout the day, to support a relaxed disentangling into this ground of awareness. Not as a means to transcend life, but to exist more freely within it, and to respond more wisely and compassionately to a world which is asking just this from us.

The retreat is suitable for all levels of experience, including beginners. The approach may also be of value to those wishing to gain momentum in their practice, and establish wise embodied awareness both on and off the cushion.

2022-08-14 (6 days) Gaia House

2022-08-15 Dharma Talk - Human Predicament, Human Possibility. 56:27
Gavin Milne
2022-08-16 Instructions - the Hindrances 54:14
Gavin Milne
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