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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Monastic Retreat

Led by ordained monastics from the Forest Sangha based in the UK, this silent retreat will be open to all. This retreat is an invitation to experience a taste of monastic life so the traditional Eight Precepts will be observed, which include abstaining from eating after midday. Each day's schedule will include sitting and walking meditation, talks to impart the teachings, Noble Silence, and reflective and devotional chants, with dedications for the welfare of all beings, which will provide a monastic container to hold and inspire us during the retreat.

2024-05-03 (10 days) Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2024-05-07 Morning reflection and reflection 46:04
Ajahn Amaro
2024-05-07 Evening chanting in Pali 58:56
Ajahn Amaro
2024-05-07 Evening Dharma Talk 57:32
Ajahn Amaro
2024-05-08 Dharma reflection 45:42
Ayya Khemakā
2024-05-08 Chanting In Pali 58:39
Ayya Khemakā
2024-05-09 Evening guided meditation 21:01
Ajahn Amaro
2024-05-09 Chanting 11:05
Ayya Khemakā
2024-05-09 Dharma Talk 38:11
Ayya Khemakā
2024-05-10 Dharma Talk 20:49
Greg Scharf
2024-05-10 Chanting In Pali 22:00
Ajahn Amaro
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