Retreat Dharma Talks
Embodying the Heart of Wisdom: New Year’s Retreat
| The Buddha's teachings offer a pathway to discover inner peace, freedom and the compassionate heart. Through deepening our understanding of the nature of things, we can come to know what it means to awaken in the midst of our life, to be deeply connected to our experience, and yet not bound by it. |
2024-12-29 (10 days)
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
Reflections on vedanā (hedonic tone) and guided practice
Akincano Marc Weber
Hedonic tone (vedanā) as a feature of human experience is the major factor in governing involuntary attention – vedanā rules much of our attention. The reflections unpack the role of feeling tone on attention, intention and the cultivation of mindfulness. Learning to cultivate attention beyond gratification and avoidance and to uncouple attention from pleasant or unpleasant feeling tone.
Seeing is Believing
Catherine McGee
Our ways of looking are shaped by our views, our patterns of attention, our emotional states, inclinations, intentions and more. Working with these factors we can participate in seeing and sensing the self, others and the world in ways that are onward leading. This talk includes extracts from a practice diary working with a difficult sankhara that was shaping and coloring the perception.
Guided Equanimity Practice
Catherine McGee
Being seen with the loving gaze of another who sees that you are perfectly in tact. Then practicing with a loved one who is suffering and whom you would like to be able to meet and love with more equanimity.
Metaphors of realisation: Sudden and Gradual
Akincano Marc Weber
How do we make ourselves growth and realisation? Tracing the historical, psychological and
Two sources of valid forms of knowlege:
– Paccakkha "before the eye," i.e. 'perceptible to the senses'
'direct experience'.
– Anvaya – 'inference'
History of Sudden & Gradual. Aside of the the historical background, these terms have taken on a metaphorical meaning: the talk looks at how these metaphors chart the path of practice, their respective analogies and their images, their framing of the probleme and their respective values and drawbacks. – May these metaphors ultimately have their bases in the differeing mind functions of samādhi (gradual) and sati (sudden)? The speaker, despite little canonical evidence, thinks so.