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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Boundless Heart, Vulnerable Life

In this Insight Meditation and Loving Kindness retreat, we are invited to establish a foundation of wakefulness through being present with our immediate experience, and to turn our hearts towards loving kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity. As meditators seeking to meet and respond to the immense challenges of our times, these noble heart qualities support both our inner wellbeing and our outer engagement. There is meditation guidance, teachings and time for sharing together as we explore these themes.

2024-12-06 (4 days) Gaia House

2024-12-07 Meditation Instructions - the Breathing Body 40:32
Yanai Postelnik
2024-12-07 Dharma Talk - Boundless Heart, Vulnerable Life 57:07
Yanai Postelnik
2024-12-07 Guided Compassion Meditation 26:48
Yanai Postelnik
2024-12-08 Mettā, Karuna, Muditā - Guided Meditation on Kindness Compassion & Appreciative Joy 35:03
Yanai Postelnik
2024-12-09 Transitioning and Continuing our Practice After Retreat, Closing Group Chant. 33:45
Yanai Postelnik, Julia Wallond
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