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Retreat Dharma Talks

An Open Path

The Buddha would simply say, I teach dukkha (suffering and distress) to bring it to an end. When questions were asked outside this specific area, he would bring them back to the dependent origin of experience to explain how it builds up into stress. In the Pali Canon this is recorded as a list of 12 contingent links of dukkha which also draw a map of liberation. On this retreat, we explore this map and progressively play with the most useful and applicable of these links to dissolve dukkha here and now, and move into more subtle and ever-deepening release.

2025-02-06 (9 days) Gaia House

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2025-02-12 Instructions : Releasing Identification & Appropriation 61:34
Zohar Lavie
2025-02-12 Seeking Dependent Origination 44:55
Nathan Glyde
Dharma Talk
2025-02-13 Instructions : This is a Perception 56:29
Nathan Glyde
2025-02-13 Dependent Origination, Appropriate Response 43:54
Zohar Lavie
Dharma Talk
2025-02-14 Dana (Generosity) 26:44
Zohar Lavie
Dharma Talk
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