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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Relaxed Openness: Embodying Presence

This insight meditation retreat will guide us towards strengthening qualities of mind that include receptivity, gentle continuity of energy, heartfulness and radiant clarity. Rather than emphasizing technique, we will learn to cultivate wise attitudes of practice that foster a steadfast trust in ourselves and in the naturally-emerging wisdom of our hearts. Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators, the course will also include an optional daily session of mindful yoga.

2009-05-02 (9 days) Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2009-05-03 Supporting Mindfullness 59:39
Myoshin Kelley
Looking to the natural quality of mindfulness.
2009-05-04 Meeting the Challenges 61:46
Yanai Postelnik
Working with recognizing challenging faces of mind as visitors which obscures the deeper truth, we can free our self from their grip, reveling the natural pure radiance of the heart-mind.
2009-05-06 The Art of Unknowing. 57:28
Yanai Postelnik
The true meaning of life derives from what is revealed when we have the courage to adbide in unknowing. Not depending on the illusiory security of certainties we can relax into the vast open potential of life.
2009-05-08 Fruition of Practice 59:13
Yanai Postelnik
To deeply know that we are not defined by any experience or activity is to realize freedom. To recognize that we are not separate from the world is to discover compassion as our very nature. This is the fruit of true practice
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