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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Living an Awakened Life: Insight Meditation Weekend

This course is an opportunity to practice a way of being that embraces the path of wisdom and compassion. Centered in dynamic present aliveness with a grounded awareness in our bodies and minds, we will connect directly with a living field of awakening through our mind and five senses. This allows for a spontaneous, skillful and open-hearted relationship with the moment-to-moment changing flow of life's experience.

Through sitting and walking meditation, as well as talks about the Buddha’s teachings and group interviews, old and new students alike are invited to explore what it means to live an awakened life. All are welcome.

2009-11-27 (3 days) Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2009-11-28 Trust And Letting Go Into The Unknown 58:54
Sharda Rogell
A talk given on a weekend retreat. With Trust as our main support, we begin to let go of our hopes and fears and drop into the truth of uncertainty. This is the doorway to freedom.
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