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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Monastic Retreat

Western nuns and monks from the Thai Buddhist monastic tradition teach each year at the Retreat Center. Retreatants are asked to observe the eight monastic precepts (which include abstaining from eating after noon each day) and to participate fully in the daily routine of sitting, standing and walking meditation. Each day, group practice will begin with an offering of flowers, light (in the form of candles) and fragrance (incense), as well as chanting to the Triple Gem.

2010-04-30 (10 days) Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

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2010-04-30 Opening Talk 13:55
Ajahn Amaro
2010-04-30 Opening Talk: Refuges and Precepts 53:16
Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia
Refuges and Precepts
2010-05-01 Mindfulness Of The Body 51:42
Ajahn Amaro
Morning Reflection
2010-05-01 Tracing Back The Radiance 56:46
Ajahn Amaro
How distraction works, tracing it back.
2010-05-02 Evening Chanting 11:00
Ajahn Amaro
2010-05-03 Morning Reflection 31:58
Ajahn Amaro
Refuge in the attributes of our own being.
2010-05-04 Becoming - why public speaking is more terrifying than worldwide nuclear destruction 65:30
Ajahn Amaro
The uncertainty of perception and memory, the urge to become, how becoming ceases.
2010-05-06 Chanting and Morning Reflection 69:25
Ajahn Amaro
2010-05-06 Intention: The Last Stronghold Of Self-View (Chanting and Talk) 1:27:27
Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia
Explains how intention operates and how it is not self.
2010-05-07 Chanting: Buddhist Words On Living Kindness 3:31
Ajahn Amaro
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