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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2007-10-26 The Tenderness Of Compassion 49:25
Sharda Rogell
What is compassion and how do we open to our compassionate heart? And as we let GO OF our self interest AND demands ON LIFE TO BE THE WAY WE WANT IT TO BE and turn toward our own pain and other's pain, compassion can awaken in our hearts.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation and Study Retreat

2007-10-26 The Protective Power Of The Dharma 66:16
Ariya B. Baumann
The Dhamma offers protection in various ways for those who follow and practice the Dharma.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge October 2007 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2007-10-26 The Way Things Are 59:34
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House The Heart Of Wisdom And Compassion

2007-10-26 The Way Things Are 59:34
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House The Heart Of Wisdom And Compassion

2007-10-25 Invoking The Beautiful - The Divine Abodes Of Lovingkindness 66:19
Donald Rothberg
There are two main approaches in our practice - mindfulness and invoking beautiful and exalted states. They complement each other in important ways. After considering these two approaches, we explore the nature of each of the divine abodes, their near and far enemies, and their complementary nature - each requires the other three for its mature development.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Cultivating Clear Seeing, Opening the Heart

2007-10-25 #6 God & Buddhanature 57:15
Stephen Batchelor
A study of the Buddha's understanding of God (Brahma) as found in texts of the Pali Canon. The Buddha was an ironic ATHEIST, who did not take a fanatic position against God. This is followed by a reflection on the idea of BUDDHANATURE, starting with its origins in the Pali Canon and seeing how it evolves in later Buddhist thought in ways that both complement and contradict the early tradition.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation and Study Retreat

2007-10-25 Awakening Or Enlightenment: Sudden Or Gradual 44:49
Martine Batchelor
Awakening as a process of degrasping instead of being the production of a state of enlightenment that cannot be eaten in salad. The suggestion that the path consists of sudden awakening followed by gradual practices
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation and Study Retreat

2007-10-25 A Question Of Control 38:59
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka Group Retreat

2007-10-24 Strengthening the Awakening Factor of Investigation 55:17
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2007-10-24 The Hindrances- An Introduction 62:55
Richard Shankman
East Bay Insight Meditation Community

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