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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2014-03-04 You Are Not What You Think 37:35
Howard Cohn
Mission Dharma

2014-03-04 Vedana-A Way of Knowing 51:50
Gil Fronsdal
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Month Long Retreat

2014-03-04 The Flame Of Now 41:37
Rodney Smith
Our thoughts place us on the periphery of "Now", but a question ensues, "do we want what Now offers?"
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge March 2014 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2014-03-04 On Non-Difference and Bringing Our Practice into the World 37:44
Martin Aylward
Here, Martin looks at the dichotomy we easily make between the retreat situation and the rest of life, and explores the skilful integration of our practice, as well as looking at some of the forces that tend to shape our into our personal, relational and cultural lives.
Gaia House The Dynamics of Freedom

2014-03-03 First Foundation - Kaya 46:55
John Travis
Exploring the body with mindfulness
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Month Long Retreat

2014-03-03 On Non-Duality, the World and the Void 39:33
Martin Aylward
Using the zen image of first there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is, Martin charts the evolution of relating to form and emptiness, exploring the fundamental duality of conventional experience, and the natural pull towards its dismantling, transcendance and integration.
Gaia House The Dynamics of Freedom

2014-03-02 Intro to Insight Meditation: Root Cause of Suffering 14:17
Anushka Fernandopulle
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2014-03-02 Intro to Insight Meditation: Mindfulness and Friendliness 20:10
Anushka Fernandopulle
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2014-03-02 The Courage to Live - The Practice Of Forgiveness 62:38
Larry Yang
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Joy of Letting Go – Reconciliation, Restoration and Forgiveness: Insight and Metta Weekend

2014-03-02 Introducing the Satipatthana - 4 Foundations of Mindfulness 52:41
Heather Martin
Understanding how applying our mindfulness to these 4 key areas of experience actually completely changes everything, breaks the usual trance.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Month Long Retreat

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