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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2013-12-13 Guided Meditaion 27:29
Pascal Auclair
Evening Guided Meditation
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Compassionate Hearts, Joyful Minds LGBTIQ & SGL Retreat

2013-12-13 Guided Metta Meditation 0:00
Pascal Auclair
(Recording not available) 
Evening Guided Meditation
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Compassionate Hearts, Joyful Minds LGBTIQ & SGL Retreat

2013-12-13 The Loss of Dignity Through Ownership 48:24
Arinna Weisman
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Compassionate Hearts, Joyful Minds LGBTIQ & SGL Retreat

2013-12-13 Closing Talk 64:41
Rodney Smith
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Holding Your Life with Kindness, Gratitude, and Contentment: A Weekend Retreat

2013-12-12 Fourth Foundation 43:29
Rodney Smith
Fourth foundation shifts our paradigm into the formless
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Insight Meditation and the Heart

2013-12-12 Morning Instructions - Day 2 41:44
Pascal Auclair
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Compassionate Hearts, Joyful Minds LGBTIQ & SGL Retreat

2013-12-11 Metta Guided Meditation 25:40
Arinna Weisman
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Compassionate Hearts, Joyful Minds LGBTIQ & SGL Retreat

2013-12-11 The Voice of Another 44:39
Pascal Auclair
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Compassionate Hearts, Joyful Minds LGBTIQ & SGL Retreat

2013-12-11 Part 1: Evolving Toward Unconditional Love 1:27:04
Tara Brach
This two part series explores the evolutionary conditioning of fear and judgment that contracts us away from love and acceptance, and the quality of mindful presence—in relating inwardly and in communicating with others—that awakens and frees our hearts.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2013-12-11 Engaged Disenchantment 61:35
Ajahn Sucitto
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

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