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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2025-01-25 Regaining presence through the hindrances 51:30
Ajahn Sucitto

2025-01-12 Return to and Strengthen the Heart 40:40
Ajahn Sucitto

2025-01-11 Entering the undifferentiated 50:09
Ajahn Sucitto

2025-01-10 Wisdom – which mountain and how to climb 48:45
Ajahn Sucitto

2025-01-09 The Welcome Vihara 46:25
Ajahn Sucitto

2025-01-08 Faith, view and abandonment 48:32
Ajahn Sucitto

2025-01-07 Collecting, settling and resting, immersed in body 43:41
Ajahn Sucitto

2024-12-28 What's the point? 44:04
Ajahn Sucitto

2024-12-21 Dismantling time 45:03
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka CBM 2024 Talks

2024-12-14 Q&A- The source of metta 47:59
Ajahn Sucitto
00:19 Q1 What is the relationship between citta and yoniso manisikara? 05:27 Q2 Faith arises with the ability of the citta to realize the origins of suffering. Nekkhamma is the release anticipation of suffering [?]. Confusion arises here. The process of renunciation for the citta rather than thought. Is this the point where the felt sense doesn’t push forward or stand and enters the path? 08:45 Q3 After the high school shooting 96 km northwest of us that left 4 dead, we can feel the heat. False alarms on social media, another layer of community anxiety and mistrust arises. Our community is predominately black, transient, low income, familiar with violence. … How to step back and recognize the citta is unbalanced? How to avoid being too aggressive and suspicious? 11:12 Q4 How to skillfully investigate myself with a very challenging individual at work?13:01 Q5 When I started mediating 20 years ago I was taught that forgiveness was a preliminary practice to metta. This makes sense to me, especially with the deep groove of self-criticism I see in my mind. 13:56 Q6 I am chronically ill living a restricted and isolated life. It is a great joy but I feel remote from any attainment. Do you have any advice? 14:58 Q7 I recognize a form of vibhava tanha in nihilism that manifests as an inability to move forward in life. As I pondered this i came across a phrase : “Contemplate the dhamma body” and it felt so good.
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

2024-12-14 GM 20:08
Ajahn Sucitto
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

2024-11-24 Connecting inner and outer through parami 37:03
Ajahn Sucitto
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

2024-11-24 Guided Meditation 21:10
Ajahn Sucitto
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

2024-11-03 Kathina talk - What is all this for? 43:56
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka CBM 2024 Talks

2024-10-27 Sovereignity as a Dhamma practice 45:48
Ajahn Sucitto
Offered at the kathina at Tisarana Buddhist Monastery in Perth, Canada
On the road

2024-10-21 Q&A 1:16:28
Ajahn Sucitto
00:29 Q1 Could you talk about working with distraction? 07:27 Q2 Karma and the end of karma. 27:48 Q3 What carries on [when we die]?What doesn’t carry on? 33:52 Q4 Could you recommend a book or a source that discusses this [the phases of transition]? 45:36 Q5 What is the difference between awareness and consciousness? 50:42 Q6 So when we say: ‘Be the knowing’, that is resting in awareness? 51:40 Q7 Could you speak about how you got on this path?
On the road

2024-10-20 Fire unbound 44:23
Ajahn Sucitto
Citta freed is warm and bright (Offered in Bethany, near Toronto.)
On the road

2024-10-05 Q&A 21:13
Ajahn Sucitto
The original questions were live. They have been précised and read by a third person. Q1 A woman asks: I have a sister who's in a care home and lives far away. She's younger than I and I feel a degree of responsibility and want to help her. It's been discovered there's been some theft from her bank account which she has control over. The police and care home staff are involved. So the teaching on activation seems very appropriate for me. I'm noticing that my activation to get involved seems to take me over is getting really difficult to handle. What can you repeat or recommend? 03:02 Q2 I find as I practice more and more, I am less willing to deal with worldly things like money, focusing on the future. There's also a sense of contentment with the way things are. How can I go about my practice as this unfolds? 05:51 Q3 My question is similar to the previous one, finding opportunities to reflect internally rather than be wrapped up in work and everything. These opportunities exist and have improved but they seem to be fewer than I would like. How can I incorporate this with having to live my everyday life? I feel I can't leave everything and just go like the Buddha did and I don't seem satisfied with my current situation. Anything else you can offer? 10:19 Q4 Regarding the kandhas, did the Buddha or could you recommend any dedicated formal practice in this area? 15:39 Q5 I've recently extricated myself from a 5-year relationship which was very difficult for me. It seems like when we extricate ourselves from an arrangement like this it seems like it's become just a dream. All the entanglement and energy put into it and then it just ... ends. I'm asking myself 'Was there ever any love, any care?' And it seems very shocking and it seems like the whole of life is like that. Part of me wants to reach out and say: 'Did you care?' But it's over and that seems pointless. Could you say something about that please?
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

2024-10-05 Citta and the aggregates 1:26:51
Ajahn Sucitto
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

2024-10-05 GM 20:11
Ajahn Sucitto
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

2024-08-31 Q&A 43:18
Ajahn Sucitto
Questions are précised: 01:17 Q1 You mentioned during meditation to start with breathing out. I noticed in my own practice that I don't fully breathe out. In fact breathing out intentionally is more exhausting. How can I be more balanced? 12:27 Q2 I have a mental pattern with deep roots, obsessing over details like the entomology of words that arises when I get panicked or upset. This seems to give me some respite from the panic. Can you offer any advice? 19:02 Q3 I feel both sense of fatigue and desire for connection. I'm confused about how to be with this desire because my mind tells me I should go out and connect with other people. But this isn't the point of meditation is it? How can I understand this tension between internal and external needs in this case? 25:03 Q4 In the last retreat I would wake up not knowing who I am and dream about somebody stabbing my heart. These feelings returned when I went back to domestic duties. In my dreams I am lost. How can I move past this black hole? 30:02 Q5 For me it's very difficult to be mindful every minute every second of my daily life. I do my best. It's easier on retreat or in a monastery. Can you comment? 36:17 Q6 The state of becoming entails grasping and craving then suffering. How can one abide in non becoming?
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

2024-08-03 On intention 29:42
Ajahn Sucitto
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

2024-08-03 Cultivating the energy of breathing 17:24
Ajahn Sucitto
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

2024-07-19 Fortunate heart energies 47:47
Ajahn Sucitto
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT)

2024-07-07 Doing, not-doing – entering causality 35:10
Ajahn Sucitto
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

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