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Dharma Talks
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2021-01-20 Practicing with Intentions 2: Developing Intentions and Vows to Guide Practice in One's Communities, Society, and World 65:32
Donald Rothberg
After a review of the January 6 session on practicing with intentions in individual formal and daily life practice, and on Inauguration Day, we explore practicing in more community, social, and collective settings. In this context, we point to the importance of combining i"inner" and "outer" practice, and to two possible inspirations: (1)the figure of the bodhisattva who combines awakening and helping others, and (2) the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a kind of bodhisattva. On this basis, there is a short period in which those present are asked to write their own intentions and/or vows to guide their responses to the current needs and crises of our world. Some share their writing!
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
Attached Files:
  • Practicing with Intentions 2 by Donald Rothberg (PDF)

2021-01-06 Practicing with Intentions 1: Individual Formal and Daily Life Practice 1:11:08
Donald Rothberg
At this time of transition, for the earth in the Northern Hemisphere, for many of us in the New Year, and for the U.S., in which clarity of intentions is so important, we explore two types of intentions: (1) aspiration or being guided by one's deeper values and intentions, sometimes taking the form of vows; and (2) moment-to-moment intentions. We are especially interested in connecting the two types of intentions. A focus on moment-to-moment intentions (cetana) helps us with wise action and practice moment-to-moment, seeing which intentions are skillful and which are not (including implicit or even unconscious tendencies linked with habitual energies). We look a number of ways of practicing with intentions both in our formal and our informal practice. We close with a short writing exercise bringing out our core intentions and next steps for the coming period, and then have a period of discussion and sharing.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2020-12-30 IMS Daily Dharma, Dec 30 2020 21:32
Caroline Jones
Practicing in Daily Life
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center IMS Daily Dharma 2020

2020-12-17 Dissolving the Boundary between Retreat and Daily Life 39:58
Nathan Glyde
Transition talk for the closing of the retreat. Questioning what is the Dharma teaching (for) us, what is our goal, our path, our understanding of ethics, sangha…and expressing the idea of an ever-expanding Dharma.
Gaia House Mettā and Insight

2020-12-10 Gregory Kramer on his book “A Whole Life Path" a fresh exploration of the 8-Fold Path. 63:42
James Baraz, Gregory Kramer
Many lay Buddhists struggle to carry the benefits of their studies and meditation practice into their twenty-first-century lives. How might our daily experience of both life and the Buddha’s teachings shift if there were no separation between them? Gregory speaks about the realistic and comprehensive vision that arises when we ask this question: If every moment of my life is Path, then what does each path factor need to cover for this to be true in a grounded, practical way?
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2020-10-31 Dhamma Stream GM – Recollection of Uposatha 15:06
Ajahn Sucitto
Uposatha days are times in the Buddhist calendar established for people to step back from daily chores and reflect upon the broader meaning of life, whether they’re living in harmony with the cosmos. Recollect our uniquely human potential to bring forth virtue, lovingkindness and wisdom into this world.
Cittaviveka At Home with the Homeless: Ajahn Sucitto Locked Down

2020-10-25 Coming out of detail 30:39
Ajahn Sucitto
Making the shift from the activities of daily life into something much quieter, we learn to recognize and encourage the qualities of citta – knowingness, sensitivity, resonance. Smooth out the wrinkles of details that catch our attention and sustain a wide, open focus that includes the range of circumstances and emotions that arise. This is a blessing and a refuge, our true home.
Teach na Tuisceana :  Teach na Tuisceana Weekend Retreat (*pronounced Tjuck na Tooshana)

2020-10-10 Concluding Remarks – Continuity of Practice 3:39
Ajahn Sucitto
Where things fall apart is where the connections break, when we spin off into our distracted thinking and proliferating thoughts. Spend time lingering in the heart sense, staying connected and present with that. Stay with the body in daily activities, taking regular pause moments.
London Insight Meditation Finding and Using the Missing Piece

2020-09-16 The Four Remembrances 50:42
Tara Brach
When we attune to the reality of impermanence and death, we remember what most matters to us. But in daily life we can lose precious swaths of time in a reactive trance, on our way somewhere else, and lost in problem solving, judgment and worry. This talk reflects on four remembrances or practices—Pausing, Yes to life, Turning toward love, and Resting in awareness—that help us awaken from trance and live true to the loving presence that is our essence.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2020-09-06 Practicing Dukkha and the End of Dukkha in a Time of Crisis 67:21
Donald Rothberg
The Buddha said, “I have taught dukkha [usually translated as “suffering”] and the end of dukkha.” This teaching is the heart of our practice, yet it is often misunderstood or even confusing to people, primarily because there are at least four different understandings of dukkha in the teachings. We’ll explore the nature of the teaching, emphasizing particularly the interpretation of dukkha as "reactivity" (particularly linked to the teaching of the Two Arrows or Two Darts), which comes in two forms--grasping or greed, and compulsive pushing away or aversion. We'll point to how we might practice with the teaching at this time of crisis--in our formal practice, in our practice in daily life, and in our work, service, and/or activism.
White Heron Sangha

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