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Dharma Talks
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2016-11-25 Karma 57:40
Stefan Lang
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg

2016-10-14 We Are Stronger Than We Know: The Truth About Trauma 30:14
Ayya Medhanandi
Practice wise attention, train in right view, and see things as they are. Touch the fires of trauma and rise from their ashes. Attend to ancient hurts with conscious full-hearted forgiveness. As we disown these old karmas, we augment the higher frequency and pure vibration of loving-kindness. It’s unconditional and ownerless. So the inner fires gradually cool and reveal the Unconditioned. Seeing the truth of the moment we undo all the untruths of the past.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

2016-08-09 Instant Karma 51:28
Fred Von Allmen
Intention - Action - Result
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg

2016-05-31 Introduction to compassion and a guided meditation 41:38
Greg Scharf
A short introduction to the second Brahma Vihara - karma/compassion, followed by a guided meditation– Receiving compassion from benefactors
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Liberation of Heart and Mind: Insight Meditation and Lovingkindness Retreat

2016-04-08 Equanimity and Kamma 55:53
Sally Armstrong
There are two main aspects to equanimity as a Brahma Vihara: first, a balanced, spacious mind, which is a mental factor we can know and cultivate. Secondly, an understanding of the nature of reality, known in Buddhist teachings as the dhamma, or truth, which is expressed here in the teachings on kamma (karma in Sanskrit.) Kamma simply means action, and refers to the universal laws of cause and effect and conditionality. In this teaching, the Buddha highlighted the importance of intentions in our actions. We come to understand that our lives are shaped by our choices, and the importance of bringing mindfulness and wisdom to our choices and intentions. We also should be aware that, even with good intentions, our actions can have harmful impacts, especially as we live, work and practice in communities with people with different cultural, racial, economic, gender identifications, sexual orientations, or other diverse experiences.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Equanimity: Seeing with Quiet Eyes

2016-02-22 Karma 61:55
Marcia Rose
The teaching, relevancy and understanding of Karma, which is one of Buddhism's central themes, is really quite accessible and even quite ordinary. It's not something to be believed in, but rather it is to be understood as we come to see and know it in operation. Karma is 'action' or 'deed'. In the context of the Dharma it is defined as "action based on intention". This talk explores how through clarifying and purifying our intentions via mindfulness based Buddhist meditation practice we can free ourself from the actions that repeatedly throw is into suffering……free ourself from repeatedly being re-born into the realm of suffering.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge February 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2016-02-03 Right Effort: Retreats as Training Events for Purification and Cultivation 53:00
Bonnie Duran
This talk looks at different Sutta references on the four right efforts and how to work with them on retreat. includes an erroneous statement on karma. Please excuse. Oops.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month-long

2016-01-06 Reactions to adjustments to a retreat form 50:18
Ajahn Sucitto
need to take a long view of spiritual development; caution with idealism; moving from head to heart; the importance of checking in with yourself; listening sympathetically internally; trusting the retreat form; taking it steady to steady the citta; patience; recalling, it’s like “this” now; dukka is not personal, not ‘mine ‘; good will points to the exit; Christian sin /guilt and Buddhist “bap”/ bad karma; going into the head closes down the heart; gestures and offerings of courtesies to others; dana – the spirit of the heart; sila – manufacturing mutual harmlessness; metta, karuna, enjoying gladness and goodness; anumodana; dissolving the boundaries of self and other; seeing what the citta responds to; equanimity – it’s like this now; the citta can be bigger than the conditions it meets; the measurelessness of awareness; living in the wide sphere; thanking mistakes as a necessary way of learning

2015-10-09 Afternoon Teachings - Practice as Purification (Part 2) 46:46
Martin Aylward
In this follow-up, Martin continues to look at the purificatory nature of dharma practice, opening up a space to meet and transform the impact of past habit energy. The teaching deconstructs the notion of karma, and maps the purification of mind-states.
Gaia House Awake in Our Bones

2015-07-28 How Conduct Bears Fruit: Training in Not Killing 37:52
Shaila Catherine
This is the second talk in a speaker series titled Ethics, Action, and the Five Precepts. This talk by Shaila Catherine explores kamma (karma) and the training precept to refrain from killing. The Abhidhamma presents a detailed analysis of both wholesome and unwholesome mental states to explain how some actions lead to suffering, and other actions lead to happiness. The conditions that surround an action, the intentions that instigate it, and the reflective understanding of potential consequences will influence the intensity of the patterns that affect our options. If you find that you have killed a living being, perhaps an insect, notice your mental state. Was hatred or greed present? Learn what happens in the mind to enable killing, and what happens in the mind when you refrain from violence. The act of restraint is a particularly potent action. When virtue (sila) is pure, reflections on the abstention from harming can be a source of joy. The potency of wholesome restraint can be increased by reinforcing it with the wisdom that understands the causes and end of suffering—right view of the path.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
In collection: Ethics, Action, and the Five Precepts

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