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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-08-15 Metta Instructions and Guided Meditation: Easy Being (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 47:39
John Martin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Summer Metta Retreat

2023-08-12 07 meditation: further development of mettā and muditā as supports for freeing the citta 31:59
Jill Shepherd
Auckland Insight Meditation Online meditation day: Understanding the citta (heart/mind)

2023-08-12 05 meditation: establishing skillful qualities in the heart/mind 31:30
Willa Thaniya Reid
Auckland Insight Meditation Online meditation day: Understanding the citta (heart/mind)

2023-08-12 04 meditation: continuing attuning to the quality of the heart-mind 32:45
Jill Shepherd
Auckland Insight Meditation Online meditation day: Understanding the citta (heart/mind)

2023-08-12 02 meditation: sensing into citta 33:44
Willa Thaniya Reid
Auckland Insight Meditation Online meditation day: Understanding the citta (heart/mind)

2023-08-12 01 Opening reflections and guided meditation: Establishing awareness of citta 30:02
Jill Shepherd, Elizabeth Day, Willa Thaniya Reid
Welcome and orientation; establishing awareness of citta (heart/mind)
Auckland Insight Meditation Online meditation day: Understanding the citta (heart/mind)

2023-08-11 Guided loving-kindness meditation 44:07
Deborah Ratner Helzer
The five beings, and all beings (no phrases)
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Sure Heart's Release

2023-08-10 Meditation instructions/sitting 49:24
Kamala Masters
Guidance on mindfulness of intention
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Sure Heart's Release

2023-08-09 Meditation: Relaxing Back into the Mystery 18:10
Tara Brach
All true meditation guides us back to presence, and the mystery that is our source. In this guided meditation we awaken the senses, collect with the breath, and when lost in thought, practice relaxing back into the aliveness and awareness that is always here. We close with a beautiful poem from poet Danna Faulds.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2023-08-09 We Have to Accelerate Our Own Transformation Now! 49:29
Ayya Santacitta
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room

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