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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2018-09-28 Yoga of the Heart 40:27
Wisdom and compassion, different expressions of the one mind. Deliverance of the heart through metta: Talk followed by Guided Meditation
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Reclamation of the Sacred

2018-09-27 Metta is Empty of Self - Let It Go Everywhere 59:53
Nathan Glyde
Exploring how Metta is empty: How it transforms into compassion, joy, or equanimity depending on the contact. How the very expression depends on other factors: compassion is not one type of action. And how we can expand our sense of who we can radiate these infinite qualities to. And then how that also contributes to a clear view of the fabrication of not-self elements into a sense of self.
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness

2018-09-27 "Metta and It's Radiating, Stabilizing and Healing Qualities" 59:51
Kate Munding
"A response to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's testimony to Congress which happened earlier in the day."
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2018-09-27 Guided Metta - To All Things 37:38
Nathan Glyde
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness

2018-09-26 Guided Metta - Easy, Neutral, Difficult - Hebrew 43:03
Zohar Lavie
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness

2018-09-25 All Kinds of Kindness 54:18
Nathan Glyde
Exploring metta in what we do, the way we do it, and the atmosphere we attune with, for the relief of dukkha borne of craving. Opening out the Gosinga Forest sutta’s (MN:31) description of three types of metta activity: bodily fabrication (physical activity and the energy body), verbal-thinking (two sorts of thinking: metta and not metta), and mental fabrication (intention, perception, attention).
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness

2018-09-24 Metta as a Way of Looking - Hebrew 58:01
Zohar Lavie
This talk is in Hebrew
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness

2018-09-24 Guided Metta - Self, Easy and Everyone in the Hall - Hebrew 42:13
Zohar Lavie
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness

2018-09-24 Day 1 - Instructions for Subtle and Wide Metta Attitude 1:27:06
Nathan Glyde
Includes Q&A session (questions may be quite quiet)
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness

2018-09-23 Guided Metta - Introduction, Sending to Easy, and a Metta Flavoured Breath 29:24
Nathan Glyde
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness

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