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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-08-09 Guided Meditation - Lightening the Self Sense 44:47
Zohar Lavie
Gaia House Expanding the Heart

2023-08-08 Loving-kindness guided meditation and Q&A 57:13
Mark Nunberg
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Sure Heart's Release

2023-08-07 Guided Meditation - Muditā Expansion 43:10
Zohar Lavie
Gaia House Expanding the Heart

2023-08-06 Introduction to loving kindness meditation 55:33
Deborah Ratner Helzer
Connecting with the heart, and offering goodwill to ourselves and a benefactor
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Sure Heart's Release

2023-08-06 Guided Meditation - Muditā - Including More Neutral Relationships 41:39
Nathan Glyde
Gaia House Expanding the Heart

2023-08-05 Guided Meditation - Appreciative Joy 43:17
Zohar Lavie
Gaia House Expanding the Heart

2023-08-04 Guided Meditation - Mettā - The Practice of Goodwill 42:41
Nathan Glyde
Gaia House Expanding the Heart

2023-08-03 Guided Meditation - Exploring a Comfortable Breath 44:35
Zohar Lavie
Gaia House Expanding the Heart

2023-08-02 Meditation: Coming Home with the Breath 14:56
Tara Brach
Our breath is always available as a pathway back to presence. This simple meditation guides us to relax and awaken in the body, and then establishes the breath as a home base for our attention. Our practice is to notice when the mind becomes distracted, and gently return to our breath and senses. This helps the mind to become increasingly settled, calm and clear. We close with a short heart blessing. “As you let your attention go inward, you might ask yourself a very simple question: What is most important to me? What is it that brings me to practice right now? What does your heart long for?"
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2023-08-02 Equanimity - The Taste of Freedom - Meditation 29:23
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

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