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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-07-11 Opening Session and Meditation (LB) 20:14
Laura Bridgman
Formalizing our relationship to values of harmlessness, trustworthiness and respect in retreat, can remind us of what matters and let us land into a softer heart.
Gaia House Unrestricted Awareness

2023-07-11 ‘Welcome to Gaia’ guided meditation on the interconnected cosmos. 29:15
Ajahn Sucitto
The initial disorientation of entering a retreat is useful. It reveals how familiarity breeds stagnation, blinding us to the deeper reality and vitality of being alive.
Gaia House Unrestricted Awareness

2023-07-10 The Five Spiritual Faculties - Week 5 - Mindful Awareness - Meditation 34:32
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies: The Five Spiritual Faculties (Summer 2023)

2023-07-10 Guided meditation on Allowing, reducing the push and pull (Dukkha Method 2) 27:07
Victor von der Heyde
Instructions for the first three minutes, then the guided meditation starts.
Australian Insight Meditation Network Seeing That Frees

2023-07-10 Guided Meditation on reducing clinging: Dukkha method 2, Part 1 16:22
Victor von der Heyde
Guided meditation on one of the practices described in the book "Seeing That Frees" related to the perception of dukkha.
Australian Insight Meditation Network Seeing That Frees

2023-07-10 Instructions and guided meditation: Breath practice followed by Dukkha Method 1 30:01
Victor von der Heyde
The "Dukkha Method 1" practice related to the practice described in the book Seeing That Frees: Meditations on Emptiness and Dependent Arising". The first 12 minutes are a description of the two practices, the guided meditation starts after that.
Australian Insight Meditation Network Seeing That Frees

2023-07-10 The Present Moment is a Temple 1:56:06
Dana DePalma
This guided meditation goes through the Arriving Sequence, including arriving in the present moment, becoming available to practice, and aligning with our deepest values. Having established ourselves thus, we deepen into the felt sense of presence and aliveness. Includes Mary Oliver’s poem, Last Night the Rain Spoke to Me. This talk follows the guided meditation from the same evening and continues the exploration of the Arriving Sequence and the felt sense of presence and aliveness. The Arriving Sequence includes arriving in the present moment, becoming available to practice, and aligning with our deepest values. Includes a short guided meditation to demonstrate the steps of the Arriving Sequence and turning toward aliveness and presence.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2023-07-09 Death: guided meditation followed by reflection 21:52
Victor von der Heyde
A guided meditation bringing and awareness of death to present experience, see what comes from this perspective, followed by a reflection on the uncertainty of the time of death and our priorities.
Australian Insight Meditation Network Seeing That Frees

2023-07-09 Guided meditation on abiding in the good 25:52
Bernat Font
London Insight Meditation Bernat Font – The Dharma of Pleasure

2023-07-09 Guided meditation on enjoying the breath 28:54
Bernat Font
London Insight Meditation Bernat Font – The Dharma of Pleasure

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