Establishing a firm foundation and upright posture, breathing in, breathing out. Let the exhalation drain the tired, stressed energy; let the inhalation refresh embodied energy. Put attention where it needs to go to facilitate breathing in and out through the whole body.
Calm and Insight; contemplating supports for samadhi (unification of heart). Vitakka (directed thought), vicara (exploring, receptive attention), piti (joy), sukha (ease). Guided Meditation through 16 steps of Anapanasati Sutta.
Tuning in to ground, space and breathing, send messages of safety and comfort, stillness and ease to your internal environment. What your citta lingers on becomes the dominant theme. This is why it’s possible to experience happiness in this crazy world. Receive the gift of abiding in the simplicity of the given.
Joyful meditation on spiritual friendship guided by Bhante Akāliko (during which internet connection was temporarily lost). Dhamma talk by Bhante Sujato: how to kiss "Saṃsāra" goodbye?
A short talk looking at how views are formed, starting with contact at the sense doors, moving into perceptions and mental formations.
Includes a brief guided meditation exploring seeing.