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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-05-03 Transcending Identity Day 2 Morning Guided Meditation 52:21
Rodney Smith
Insight Meditation Society - Online Transcending Identity

2023-04-30 Meditation 31:57
Gavin Milne
Gaia House Freeing the Heart at Home - Spacious Practice Weekend

2023-04-30 Intro to the 3 Characteristics week 11: The Experience of Freedom - Guided Meditation 32:43
Mark Nunberg
Intro to the 3 Characteristics week 11: The Experience of Freedom - Guided Meditation
Common Ground Meditation Center Fall Residential Retreat

2023-04-30 Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene 55:05
Ayya Santacitta
Reflection & Guided Meditation on Elements
Aloka Earth Room

2023-04-29 Meditation 46:07
Gavin Milne
Gaia House Freeing the Heart at Home - Spacious Practice Weekend

2023-04-26 Meditation: Embodied Spirit 16:54
Tara Brach
Experiencing our aliveness through our senses is the gateway to resting in formless loving presence. This meditation guides us to awakening through our body, and recognizing the backdrop of silence, of awake awareness, that is the source of all being.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2023-04-26 Consciously Turning Towards the Evolutionary Challenge 51:44
Ayya Santacitta
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room

2023-04-23 Introduction to the Three Characteristics - Week 10: Emptiness as a Skillful Support for Letting Go of Attachments - Talk 39:29
Mark Nunberg
Introduction to the Three Characteristics - Week 10: Emptiness as a Skillful Support for Letting Go of Attachments - Guided Meditation
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2023-04-23 Introduction to the Three Characteristics - Week 10: Emptiness as a Skillful Support for Letting Go of Attachments - Guided Meditation 29:53
Mark Nunberg
Introduction to the Three Characteristics - Week 10: Emptiness as a Skillful Support for Letting Go of Attachments - Guided Meditation
Common Ground Meditation Center Fall Residential Retreat

2023-04-23 Teachings, Guided Meditation (Sitting and Walking) 52:16
Leela Sarti
Gaia House Resting in Yourself - Timeless Freedom in Midst of Everyday Life

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