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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2018-05-11 Majjhima Nikaya 1:08
DaRa Williams
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Retreat with DaRa Williams

2018-05-11 Movement Walking 4:12
DaRa Williams
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Retreat with DaRa Williams

2018-05-11 Day 6 Morning Instructions: Aspirations for living from the perspective of our deathbed. (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 45:02
Nikki Mirghafori
In this morning's guided meditation, first we settle in with the body, appreciating the intimacy and the impersonality of experience, holding both experiences equally valid. Then, we look at our lives from the vantage point of our deathbed (far in the future, only for the purpose of this thought exercise) and reflect on aspirations that arise for living our life in this precious human birth, however long we have left.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Contemplating Death/Awakening to Life (Maranasati Retreat)

2018-05-11 Intro 44:21
DaRa Williams
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Retreat with DaRa Williams

2018-05-11 2018 Metta Retreat - Day 4 - Meditation Instructions - Bhante Jayasara 33:38
Bhante Henepola Gunaratana
2018 Metta Retreat - Day 4 - Meditation Instructions - Bhante Jayasara
Bhavana Society of West Virginia 2018 Metta Retreat

2018-05-10 Maranasati: "If My Life Is for Rent...Nothing I Have Is Truly Mine." 57:56
Nikki Mirghafori
Three fruits of maranasati practice are discussed: 1) Preparing for our moment of death with fearlessness and peace. Topics of Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and rebirth are presented with a don't know mind. 2) Living THIS limited, precious life fully, with gratitude, forgiveness, generosity and letting go. 3) Awakening, liberation, nibbana -- Maranasati is a practice towards liberation, arising insights into the three marks of existence (anicca, dukkha, anatta).
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Contemplating Death/Awakening to Life (Maranasati Retreat)

2018-05-10 "Clear Comprehension Part 2" 59:30
James Baraz
In the Satipatthana Sutta (MN#10), the Buddha's discourse on mindfulness, the Buddha instructs us to contemplate mindfully, ardent and clearly comprehending each of the four foundations. "Clear comprehension" also translated as "clearly knowing" includes four areas of context for our mindfulness practice. In Part 1 we explored the first two elements of Clear Comprehension: "Clear Comprehension of Purpose" and "Clear Comprehension of Suitability of Action". In this talk we discuss the second two aspects: "Clear Comprehension in the Domain of Meditation" and "Clear Comprehension of Reality". With metta, James
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2018-05-10 2018 Metta Retreat - Day 3 - Q & A - Bhante Jayasara 1:29:32
Bhante Henepola Gunaratana
2018 Metta Retreat - Day 3 - Q & A - Bhante Jayasara
Bhavana Society of West Virginia 2018 Metta Retreat

2018-05-10 Heart Path 38:00
Ven. Pannavati Bhikkhuni
Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center

2018-05-10 2018 Metta Retreat - Day 3 - Dhamma Talk - Bhante Jayasara DR000680 67:41
Bhante Henepola Gunaratana
2018 Metta Retreat - Day 3 - Dhamma Talk - Bhante Jayasara DR000680
Bhavana Society of West Virginia 2018 Metta Retreat

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