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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2017-11-30 Instructions and Guided Meditation: Establishing the Anchor 56:02
Oren Jay Sofer
Instructions for using an anchor to settle the mind and gather the attention, connecting and sustaining the attention.
Mount Eden Retreat Center :  Cultivating Inner Freedom

2017-11-30 Day 3: Morning Sit with Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 56:44
Kate Munding
Working with emotions using R.A.I.N acronym.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Magic of Awareness

2017-11-29 Equanimity - Guided Meditation 59:41
Andrea Fella
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

2017-11-29 Meditation: Breath by Breath 23:02
Tara Brach
Our breath can be a home base that allows us to meet life with a relaxed, wakeful presence. This meditation helps us calm and settle the mind with long deep breathing, and then establishes a mindful presence with our natural breathing. When distracted, we learn to relax back again and again, learning the pathway of homecoming to the aliveness, openness and mystery that is always Here.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2017-11-29 Awakening from the Trance of Fear – Part 1 45:13
Tara Brach
While fear is a natural and intelligent emotion, when fear goes on overdrive, we are in a trance of fear that contracts our body, heart and mind. Our resistance to the direct experience of fear sustains the trance and leads to decisions and behaviors that harm ourselves and others. Only by facing fear with mindfulness and compassion can we awaken from trance and reconnect with our capacity for creativity and full aliveness, wisdom and love.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2017-11-29 It's Just a Hindrance (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 51:41
Kate Munding
How to turn towards the difficult experiences with an open heart and clear wisdom.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Magic of Awareness

2017-11-29 Just Enough Mindfulness 54:20
Oren Jay Sofer
Back to basics: What is mindfulness? How does it function? And how much mindfulness do we need to practice?
Mount Eden Retreat Center :  Cultivating Inner Freedom

2017-11-29 Reactivity, Response-ability and Curiosity 52:24
Pamela Weiss
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2017-11-29 Cultivating Equanimity 64:57
Donald Rothberg
Continuing after our exploration of the first parami, generosity, with examining the last parami, equanimity-- what it is, and some ways to cultivate great equanimity.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2017-11-29 The Value of Retreat: Opening Talk 56:36
Oren Jay Sofer
The challenges, gifts and value of retreat, as well as suggestions for how to approach the practice.
Mount Eden Retreat Center :  Cultivating Inner Freedom

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