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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2016-04-30 Day One Metta: Lovingkindness 42:02
Lila Kate Wheeler
Receiving lovingkindness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center (Yucca Valley) Spring Insight Meditation Retreat

2016-04-29 Guided metta meditation. 43:59
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge April 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2016-04-28 Four Chants 16:07
Greg Scharf
Four Chants by Greg Scharf & Liz Fitzgerald. 1) An Invitation To The Devas, 2) Karaniya Metta Sutta in Pali, 3) Karaniya Metta Sutta in English, 4) Buddham Vande - (a simple repeating chant of reverence for the triple gem)
Insight Retreat Center

2016-04-24 Parami - The Ten Perfections - Lovingkindness - Week 3 54:19
Mark Nunberg
Understanding the Boundless Quality of Love. (Metta)
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series
In collection: Dharma Series - Parami - The Ten Perfections

2016-04-23 Remembering to be here 58:25
Journey into consciousness and presence through the use of attention and metta
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center An Integrated Awakening: Insight Meditation Retreat

2016-04-18 Metta: The Heart's Release 66:28
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage 2016 Spring Month Long Hermitage Retreat

2016-04-17 Parami - The Ten Perfections - Lovingkindness - Week 2 56:15
Mark Nunberg
Reflecting on Metta
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series
In collection: Dharma Series - Parami - The Ten Perfections

2016-04-14 Metta for Self and the Earth 40:45
Wes Nisker
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Evolving Together: Mindfulness, Meditation and Modern Science Retreat

2016-04-04 Mindfulness and Metta 55:01
Sally Armstrong
Equanimity is central to the Buddha's teachings and practices, and so underlies and supports both mindfulness and metta (loving-kindness). For Samma Sati, Right Mindfulness, to develop, equanimity needs to function to keep us connected with experiences even when they are difficult or challenging, to deepen insight into the true nature of reality. In metta practice, equanimity keeps the heart open when conditions are not ideal for kindness - and they are often not ideal!
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Equanimity: Seeing with Quiet Eyes

2016-03-30 The Power of Loving-Kindness 37:16
Ayya Medhanandi
When universal love leading to liberation of the heart is ardently developed, unrelentingly resorted to, it becomes the foundation of our life. We travel in a divine vehicle, our inheritance from the Buddha, the sublime abiding of mettā, loving kindness. This is our shelter from unwholesome states, a true salve for impure and damaging mental afflictions. More and more as we purify the mind, it triumphs over hateful feelings and forgiveness and compassion are perfected. Indeed, by the power of loving kindness, we are crossing the stream to the farther shore, awakening to the Deathless.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Finding Inner Peace: Monastic Retreat

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