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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2016-01-29 Finding kindness 47:13
Caroline Jones
Guided Metta meditation preceded by some reflections on kindness
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge January 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2016-01-23 Metta Meditation - Compassion for Ourselves 40:45
Alan Lewis
Gaia House Cultivating Clarity and Compassion

2016-01-17 Metta in Daily Life: Individual Practice, Relational Practice, Metta Changing the World 57:04
Donald Rothberg
Guidance for bringing metta practice from the retreat into our daily lives, in these three inter-related areas, bringing in the voice of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in the last part of the talk, at the time of his birthday and the public celebration of his birthday.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center January Metta Retreat

2016-01-16 Morning Instructions: Metta for the difficult person (Day 5) 42:09
Heather Sundberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center January Metta Retreat

2016-01-14 Radiating Metta: Guided Practice 20:04
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center January Metta Retreat

2016-01-13 Transformation through Metta Practice 59:04
Donald Rothberg
Metta practice carries a profound intention: To bring kindness and an awakened heart to all beings and all situations in our lives. We explore the nature of this intention, and some of the main ways that metta develops: through a basic stabilizing of our lives and awareness, particularly in living ethically, and in formal practice, as concentration develops; through a process of purification of that which blocks or stands in the way of metta; and through an integration of metta in our lives, to the point where metta is less a doing and practice, and more a way of being, which we then bring into the world.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center January Metta Retreat

2016-01-12 Morning Instructions: Metta Overview (Day One) 37:43
Heather Sundberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center January Metta Retreat

2016-01-07 Morning talk 45:15
Ajahn Sucitto
coming out of self view; bringing forth energy; recalling the spiritual faculties; applying wise energy regardless of the system used; calm as a consequence of faith and confidence; two recollections; don’t let the citta be bound by historical or domestic considerations; willingness to do the work; feeding the citta; mindfulness of the body, the inevitable decay of the body; what is it that evades or finds truth uncomfortable; differing views of Samadhi; the” I-am” looking for support; learning to push away the hindrances through experience; noticing craving, ill will and resistance; using metta, compassion, mudita, upekkha to approach unification of the citta by removal of the 5 hindrances; now is the time to rise up to it; restlessness, boredom, doubt; know them as they are not as myself; this is not worthy of this citta; using the wisdom factor to find appropriate attention; who is that?; feel how it is; going beyond thought; discernment of the release of grasping; the shift moment and the growth of confidence in it; noticing the struggle to find something; what about the measurelessness/ the sign-less?

2016-01-06 The Measureless States/ The Divine Abidings (the Brahma-viharas) 58:28
Ajahn Sucitto
metta (good will/ loving kindness –the experience of the lovability of beings), karuna (compassion – sees the vulnerability of beings), mudita (sympathetic joy - experience of the enjoyment of one’s own and others’ good states)and upekkha (equaminity – the ability to be present with the ups and downs of phenomena); the citta has 2 inputs – feelings(from body or mental perception) and associations/ images/ impressions; skillful intention and the associated joy; volition and sustaining volition as a characteristic of the citta; to others as to myself; the citta adopts various clothes, one of which is “me”; the citta is abundant, rich, calm, exhaulted, measureless/ suffusing, free from hostility and ill will; the significance of the metaphors of language; the measureless empathy of the Buddha; “just like me”, we are all like this as a source of the volition; it’s not so much object oriented as cultivating states of mind and freeing the citta from any state of ill will; identifying the signs that lead to the bonding with / settling of the citta and unification of the mind; find one that works for you; the object one chooses to facilitate this is not important; pitfalls and sidetracks to be avoided in the cultivation – the story of other particular people and of the self, thinking of the past and the future ; finding satisfaction and comfort; the wisdom faculty sees it has been identified and sustained and not owned personally

2016-01-06 Reactions to adjustments to a retreat form 50:18
Ajahn Sucitto
need to take a long view of spiritual development; caution with idealism; moving from head to heart; the importance of checking in with yourself; listening sympathetically internally; trusting the retreat form; taking it steady to steady the citta; patience; recalling, it’s like “this” now; dukka is not personal, not ‘mine ‘; good will points to the exit; Christian sin /guilt and Buddhist “bap”/ bad karma; going into the head closes down the heart; gestures and offerings of courtesies to others; dana – the spirit of the heart; sila – manufacturing mutual harmlessness; metta, karuna, enjoying gladness and goodness; anumodana; dissolving the boundaries of self and other; seeing what the citta responds to; equanimity – it’s like this now; the citta can be bigger than the conditions it meets; the measurelessness of awareness; living in the wide sphere; thanking mistakes as a necessary way of learning

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