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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2009-11-13 The Power of Karma 63:50
Kevin Griffin
Guest Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2009-09-29 The Four Mind Changing Reflections 59:36
Joseph Goldstein
Precious human birth, impermanence, karma and the defects of samsara.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Two-Month Retreat

2009-07-25 Turning the Mind Toward the Dharma 55:49
Joseph Goldstein
The four mind-changing reflections: precious human birth, impermanence, karma and the defects of samsara.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation

2009-04-14 What Needs To Be Done: Wise Action and Karma 56:27
Sharda Rogell
Our actions through speech and body have powerful consequences. We can choose whether they are wholesome or unwholesome. How can we strengthen the goodness while diminishing suffering.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Buddha’s Way to Happiness: Insight Meditation Retreat

2009-03-22 The Joy of Sila Parami 53:04
Trudy Goodman
Understanding sila as the foundation of Karma and inspiring stories. How sila as respect and love can become a default setting for us -- The Buddha said sila is his dharma heir, our teacher.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation March Month Long

2009-03-09 Karma: Una Lezione dal Passato. Una Opportunità per il Futuro [Kamma, A Lesson from the Past, An Opportunity for the Future] 1:18:16
Steve Armstrong
Monastero di Camaldoli :  Holy Hermitage at Camaldoli Residential

2009-02-08 Love, Karma, and Healing 1:14:10
Rob Burbea
Please note that these talks are from a 4 week retreat for experienced meditators. The talks and meditations can be listened to in any order or individually, but as they progressively unfold different levels of understanding of Emptiness, they will probably be more fully understood and the practices more easily developed if taken in series
Gaia House Meditation on Emptiness (2009)

2009-01-13 Fruit Arises According to the Dharma 33:21
Path Activity breaks up obstructions Beginners mind, patience, kindness This is how it is Working with how it is rather than how it should be The three streams of karma / energy Samadhi as healing
Dharmagiri Original Brightness Retreat

2008-12-07 Karma And The End Of Karma 59:31
Guy Armstrong
Understanding how karma works gives us clear guidelines to find simple human happiness or the highest happiness of liberation, which is described as the end of karma. The talk also describes how the working of karma depends on the truth of not-self (anatta).
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

2008-11-11 Wise Action Through Understanding The Mind 48:19
Sharda Rogell
Knowing what thoughts to follow and what thoughts not to follow gives shape to our reality and illuminates the law of karma. A simple explanation of this law and how it leads to wise choices and action.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Embodied Presence

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