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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2017-01-27 The Three Characteristics: Dukkha 38:56
Eugene Cash
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2017-01-27 07) Talk by Ariya Baumann 48:42
Ariya B. Baumann
Chanmyay Myaing Meditation Centre 3rd Annual Metta Retreat: 1st Session

2017-01-27 Eros Unfettered (Part 5 - Otherness and the Art of Disappearing) 1:12:48
Rob Burbea
PLEASE NOTE: This series of talks is intended for experienced practitioners who have already developed some understanding of and working familiarity with practices of emptiness, samatha, metta, the emotional/energy body, and the imaginal, as well as basic mindfulness practice. In particular, it is strongly recommended that before approaching this set you study and work with the material from the following talks and series: The Theatre of Selves (Parts 1 - 3); Approaching the Dharma, Part 1 (Unbinding the World), and Part 2 (Liberating Ways of Looking); the three-part series Questioning Awakening, Buddhism Beyond Modernism, In Praise of Restlessness; Image, Mythos, Dharma (Parts 1 - 3); An Ecology of Love (Parts 1 - 4); The Path of the Imaginal (Longer Course); and Re-enchanting the Cosmos: The Poetry of Perception. Integrating that previous material and also taking the talks in this new set in their intended order will, for most, support a better and fuller understanding of the teachings from this course.
Gaia House Eros Unfettered - Opening the Dharma of Desire

2017-01-26 "What Are You Going To Do Now?" 48:18
James Baraz
The swirl of political events with the new US administration have contributed to a culture of apprehension and anxiety for many as they adjust to this new reality. The question many practitioners are asking is what is the place of Dharma in this unfolding of events. What is Dharma and not Dharma? What is our responsibility? How does the political environment inform our Dharma practice? How does our Dharma practice inform our engagement in the world? The talk includes Bhikkhu Bodhi's essay Let's Stand Together that appears in the journals Lion's Roar and Buddhadharma.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2017-01-26 Returning Home From Retreat (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 59:34
Anushka Fernandopulle
Reflections on taking meditation practice and spiritual path into the world of non-retreat life.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness of Body, Speech and Mind

2017-01-26 Eros Unfettered (Part 4) 37:36
Rob Burbea
PLEASE NOTE: This series of talks is intended for experienced practitioners who have already developed some understanding of and working familiarity with practices of emptiness, samatha, metta, the emotional/energy body, and the imaginal, as well as basic mindfulness practice. In particular, it is strongly recommended that before approaching this set you study and work with the material from the following talks and series: The Theatre of Selves (Parts 1 - 3); Approaching the Dharma, Part 1 (Unbinding the World), and Part 2 (Liberating Ways of Looking); the three-part series Questioning Awakening, Buddhism Beyond Modernism, In Praise of Restlessness; Image, Mythos, Dharma (Parts 1 - 3); An Ecology of Love (Parts 1 - 4); The Path of the Imaginal (Longer Course); and Re-enchanting the Cosmos: The Poetry of Perception. Integrating that previous material and also taking the talks in this new set in their intended order will, for most, support a better and fuller understanding of the teachings from this course.
Gaia House Eros Unfettered - Opening the Dharma of Desire

2017-01-26 Metta Practice for Difficult Person (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 45:56
Dori Langevin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness of Body, Speech and Mind

2017-01-25 Darkness of the Womb - Four Key Steps in Transforming Suffering 68:13
Tara Brach
We can either repeat old fear based patterns, or our suffering can awaken us to a deeper wisdom and greater love. This talk explores four principles in relating to difficulty that move us towards healing and freedom - both personally and as a society.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2017-01-25 Meeting Dukkha with our Compassion (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 47:39
Kate Munding
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness of Body, Speech and Mind

2017-01-25 05) Talk by Ariya Baumann 47:57
Ariya B. Baumann
Chanmyay Myaing Meditation Centre 3rd Annual Metta Retreat: 1st Session

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