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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2017-04-01 Generating a Meaningful World 63:11
Ajahn Sucitto
Presentation of the multi-layered, holistic, vertical cosmos of the suttas as compared to our flat world that only extends geographically. One can move up and down the cosmos through one’s own actions – giving, ethics, renunciation, clearing the mind of the hindrances and developing deep meditation. One learns to make things sacred; sacred meaning everything is valued, has its place and is treated with respect. A study of the Kutadanta Sutta (D5.29) as an example of how the Buddha taught engagement and movement along this vertical/immaterial domain
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies BCBS The Gradual Path: The Step-by-Step Way to Awakening

2017-04-01 Saturday Sutta/Pali Class with Bhante Gunaratana : Samyutta Nikaya : Nidana Samyutta # 1 : 12 Part Series on Dependent Origination 67:34
Bhante Henepola Gunaratana
Bhante G begins a 12+ part series on Dependent Origination, speaking about Ignorance.
Bhavana Society of West Virginia

2017-04-01 Guided Meditation - If You Don’t Generate a World, Somebody Else’s Will Generate You 9:51
Ajahn Sucitto
In meditation we practice bringing up what is pertinent, worthy of development, leading inwards. We bring things to mind that generate a locus of meaning, that generate our world. This is where we reclaim potency, value and meaning. Rather than be overwhelmed by a meaningless world we have the potential to generate a meaning world here now.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies BCBS The Gradual Path: The Step-by-Step Way to Awakening

2017-03-31 Retreat Intro: The Gradual Path 19:59
Ajahn Sucitto
The gradual path is the essence of the Buddha’s presentation. It starts with qualities we already know – generosity, morality and renunciation. Rather than starting with meditation while sitting on the cushion, this is the movement that begins to be properly cultivated and groomed in meditation. Then our work is much more internal, to clear the mind of the 5 hindrances.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies BCBS The Gradual Path: The Step-by-Step Way to Awakening

2017-03-31 Awakening and Soulmaking (Q & A) 38:17
Rob Burbea
Please Note: This series of talks is from a retreat led by Rob Burbea and Catherine McGee for experienced practitioners. The requirements for participation included some understanding of and working familiarity with practices of emptiness, samatha, metta, the emotional/energy body, and the imaginal, as well as basic mindfulness practice. Without this experience it is possible that the material and teachings from this retreat will be difficult to understand and confusing for some.
Gaia House Of Hermits and Lovers: The Alchemy of Desire

2017-03-31 Twoness Continued 17:26
Catherine McGee
Please Note: This series of talks is from a retreat led by Rob Burbea and Catherine McGee for experienced practitioners. The requirements for participation included some understanding of and working familiarity with practices of emptiness, samatha, metta, the emotional/energy body, and the imaginal, as well as basic mindfulness practice. Without this experience it is possible that the material and teachings from this retreat will be difficult to understand and confusing for some.
Gaia House Of Hermits and Lovers: The Alchemy of Desire

2017-03-31 Guided Meditation - Offering Ourselves Dhamma Dāna 13:16
Ajahn Sucitto
As we enter the field of practice, we have the opportunity to clear the desktop and deepen into our receptivity. We offer ourselves Dhamma dāna: the gift of time, space, permission and resources to deepen within this very embodied mind. We acknowledge what arises and lay aside what can be laid aside.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies BCBS The Gradual Path: The Step-by-Step Way to Awakening

2017-03-31 On Blessed Ground: Fantasies of the Self on the Path 32:07
Rob Burbea
Please Note: This series of talks is from a retreat led by Rob Burbea and Catherine McGee for experienced practitioners. The requirements for participation included some understanding of and working familiarity with practices of emptiness, samatha, metta, the emotional/energy body, and the imaginal, as well as basic mindfulness practice. Without this experience it is possible that the material and teachings from this retreat will be difficult to understand and confusing for some.
Gaia House Of Hermits and Lovers: The Alchemy of Desire

2017-03-31 Open Awareness Instructions & Q&A 54:36
Anushka Fernandopulle
Day 4 instructions morning practice period, plus questions and answers. Last full day of retreat.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight and Awakening: The Liberating Art of Samatha-Vipassana

2017-03-30 Our Relationship to Time 43:59
Kim Allen
Insight Santa Cruz

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