Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
Q1 This person says that they are very sensitive and that things like traffic signs, noises, imperfections and the bustle of reality disturbs them. Do you have any advice? Q2 01:23 Could you comment on aging, sickness and death. Most of my friends and myself are in their late 70s or 80s and want to be more skilled in working with different stages and pain so as to be as prepared as possible for the dying phase.
Dharmagiri Sacred Mountain Retreat
Cultivating the Empty Field
Ajahn Sucitto
Q1 Yesterday I had this thought that there is no shame in suffering. I'm wondering what is noble about the noble about the suffering in the first noble truth. Q2 06:17 Could you differentiate between awareness and consciousness? Q3 16:18 Please speak about bowing. Q4 20:39 Do you start and end your day with any reflections or recollections or practices? Q5 28:03 What is happening when right view and release become partially obscured again after right view has been attained? Why is it becoming obscured? Is cultivation of the empty field the main practice then and purification? Q6 33:32 It's taken several retreats to uncover this tremendous sense of guilt. When it arises it makes sense to avoid reconstructing the stories. the habit is to shut down the feeling. It appears as a pain in the chest. It shifts to holding back tears. Is this karma rather than the person?
Dharmagiri Sacred Mountain Retreat
Cultivating the Empty Field
Ajahn Sucitto
00:10 Q1 Please share tips to manage the flurry of emotions that might arise when we're back in our day today busy lives. 20:18 Q2 Sometimes when I think of my own death I don't care. How do we manage acceptance in a way that doesn't become apathetic or dull sense of I don't care. 27:47 Q3 How do you establish presence and find your center when your body is in unbearable pain? 34:16 Q4 Can you speak about the use of pharmaceuticals for perceived mental and physical imbalances?
Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, South Africa
Regaining the Center
Ajahn Sucitto
00:13 Q1 How can one develop self-love without being accused of being selfish? 08:33 Q2 How can I cope with repeating pain in the shoulders or back and strong surging of energy? Should one change position? 14:45 Q2 What is the purpose of being alive if not to experience the senses? Trying to dull out the senses to be mindful makes me wonder if we miss the true beauty of life. 27:40 Q3 I'm wondering about the effects of tension on the citta/ sensitivity. I'm aware of deep tension in my body which could have been there since childhood. Qigong and reclining meditation are good. 45:11 Q4 The manifestation of a category such as apple in your example, is that what is meant by nama? 47:25 Q5 What's a good balance of walking, standing and sitting?
Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, South Africa
Regaining the Center
Ajahn Sucitto
Q1: Can you say more about the air and water elements. I am confused. 04:20 Q2 How can we observe our citta? I read there are 52 states of citta. Can you explain further? 10:43 Q3 I’m used to watching the breath as an object but with too many instructions I get distracted. What is your advice? 15:49 Q4 I’ve had pain for three years, back etc. It seems pain is teaching me about impermanence and uncontrolability. 25:55 Q5 You mentioned the sankhara get less as we cultivate wholesome deeds. What about wholesome sankhara? Can you expand please? 39:39 Q6 You said meditation can cause some people to go crazy. How do we prevent this? 42:06 Q7 Can you explain sati and sampajanna again please? 52:10 Q8 How to support a fortunate rebirth for my pet chicken?
Palilai Buddhist Temple
Sharing Merit with the Broken Heart
The Dharma in Times of Crisis
Donald Rothberg,
Stephen Fulder
Stephen Fulder, the founder and senior teacher of Tovana (the Israel Insight Society), is in conversation with Donald Rothberg. We hold the understanding of "crisis" broadly, remembering that we are in the midst of multiple crises, while giving more attention to Israel/Palestine. Such crises are a major challenge to our dharma practice. In this context, we explore a number of different themes, including bringing our practice to difficult experiences that often arise in a crisis, such as fear, emotional pain, reactivity, numbness, and the presence of repetitive negative narratives and views. We also identify, during the conversation, a number of resources, including qualities of compassion, empathy, equanimity, and the importance of finding a "refuge"and deep support in different ways. The conversation is followed by discussion, and a closing guided meditation.
[During the conversation, we see a short (3:28) video of Tovana teachers speaking a sentence each about the current crisis, in Hebrew, with English sub-titles. The video can be seen at https://youtu.be/NqKoCm2TMhA?feature=shared.]
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Monday and Wednesday Talks
Awakening from Trance – Embracing Unlived Life
Tara Brach
When physical or emotional pain is too much, our conditioning is to pull away and avoid direct contact with raw feelings. The result is a trance – we are split off from the wholeness of our aliveness, intelligence and capacity to love. This talk explores how this dissociation shows up in our lives and how mindfulness enables us to integrate cut-off parts of our being in a powerful way, and awaken from this trance.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC