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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2015-05-20 Part 2: Impermanence - Awakening Through Insecurity 1:18:57
Tara Brach
From the view of the separate self, this existence is inherently uncertain, and we are profoundly vulnerable. Our habitual reaction to insecurity fuels separation, and limits our capacity to live and love fully. These two talks explore the blessings of wisdom, love and freedom that naturally arise as, instead of resisting, we learn to open directly to the insecurity of impermanence.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2015-05-20 Developing a Wise Relationship with Change 47:56
Grove Burnett
Change, evolutionary biology, and the sixth extinction.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Natural Liberation: A Buddhist Insight Meditation Retreat

2015-05-20 The Wisdom Way 1:20:54
with Alex Haley, Jean Haley
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2015-05-20 The Two Truths 42:21
Pamela Weiss
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2015-05-20 Mindfulness - How it Supports Liberation 62:30
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2015-05-20 Day Two Morning Instructions 58:39
Steve Armstrong
Awareness, Remembering to Recognize the Present Moment
Spirit Rock Meditation Center A Field Guide to the Mind: Practical Abhidhamma for Meditators

2015-05-20 5-20-15 Morning Session, Mindful of Diversity. Ruth King PART 01 42:34
Ruth King
Spirit Rock Meditation Center (Angela Center) Dedicated Practitioners Program Retreat

2015-05-20 5-20-15 Morning Session, Mindful of Diversity. Ruth King PART 03 23:42
Ruth King
Spirit Rock Meditation Center (Angela Center) Dedicated Practitioners Program Retreat

2015-05-19 Guided Metta Body Scan 45:56
Mark Nunberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center A Field Guide to the Mind: Practical Abhidhamma for Meditators

2015-05-19 The Giver, Gift. and Receiver 21:10
Shaila Catherine
The Discourses of the Buddha include instructions on how to give so that the act of generosity will be most fruitful. This talk by Shaila Catherine explores the significance of the inner motivation of the donor, the quality and appropriateness of the gift itself, and the virtue and purity of mind of the recipient. The motivation, context, and result each play a role in the practice of generosity (dana).
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley

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