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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2015-04-11 Morning Q&A 24:05
Steve Armstrong
Layers Of delusion; Doubt and confusion
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Through Dhamma Eyes: Training in Awareness and Wisdom

2015-04-10 Evening Reflection - Living a Good Life 6:26
Steve Armstrong
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Through Dhamma Eyes: Training in Awareness and Wisdom

2015-04-10 Working With Thought 58:06
Winnie Nazarko
This talk reviews how "thought" fits into meditation practice. It also examines why it is skillful to learn to practice with thought, and not attempt to cut it off completely
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge April 2015 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2015-04-10 Sensitivity/Tanha 54:52
Gregory Kramer
Insight Dialogue Community (Insight Retreat Center) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2015-04-09 Evening Reflection: Lifestyle Of Awareness 10:04
Steve Armstrong
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Through Dhamma Eyes: Training in Awareness and Wisdom

2015-04-09 A Lifestyle Of Awareness 59:39
Steve Armstrong
Five spiritual faculties
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Through Dhamma Eyes: Training in Awareness and Wisdom

2015-04-09 Mutuality of Trust; Mutuality of respect 19:30
Gregory Kramer
Insight Dialogue Community (Insight Retreat Center) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2015-04-09 Roles 48:58
Gregory Kramer
Practice with the guidelines Speak the Truth and Listen Deeply by contemplating roles you were born into and roles you chose.
Insight Dialogue Community (Insight Retreat Center) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2015-04-09 Morning Instructions: Recognizing the qualities of awareness 60:41
Steve Armstrong
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Through Dhamma Eyes: Training in Awareness and Wisdom

2015-04-08 Awareness Imbued With Compassion 61:22
Carol Wilson
Describing how compassion is a natural and normal response of the pure mind to suffering
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Through Dhamma Eyes: Training in Awareness and Wisdom

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