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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2013-06-05 Beware the Mindfulness Industrial Complex 61:00
Jesse Maceo Vega-Frey
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Liberation of Heart and Mind: Insight Meditation and Lovingkindness Retreat

2013-06-05 The Buddha's Middle Way 58:38
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2013-06-05 There Is No Sixth Skandha 58:32
Pamela Weiss

2013-06-05 Keep Your Wits about You 62:11
Ajahn Sucitto
We use a meditation theme like mindfulness of breathing to bring about the factors of awakening. These factors are not things we can do, they come about under the right conditions. Tend to the heart and body energies, bringing them together to hold your ground against the hinderances and make way for the factors of awakening.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Holistic Awareness: A Monastic Dana Retreat

2013-06-05 Be the Knower of the Worlds 34:02
Ajahn Sucitto
As we begin our meditation, establish a reference that helps us to be with rather than be in. Be the ‘knower of the worlds’, aware of the danger and getting stuck. Body can be that reference, it gives a sense of here-ness. Widen awareness and be choosy with attention.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Holistic Awareness: A Monastic Dana Retreat

2013-06-04 Working With Thought And Emotion 58:26
Joseph Goldstein
Exploring ways of working with thoughts and emotions on both the relative and more ultimate levels: karma and emptiness / content and process.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge June 2013 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2013-06-04 The Promise of Awakening 42:24
Howard Cohn
Mission Dharma

2013-06-04 Dependent Origination: The Six Senses 56:57
Rodney Smith
One of the questions answered by Dependent Origination is where our information about the world comes from, and what it is based upon. As we have seen, much of what we know is what the past allows us to know. By reflecting on the moment and commenting continually about it, we use past memories as our pathway to move forward. This imagined response (meaning these ideas we hold about reality are not based upon what is true here and now)is being organized by the brain. To show conclusively the difference, the Buddha in his famous Sabba Sutta (SN 35.23), stated that formed reality holds the six senses only: the eye & forms, ear & sounds, nose & aromas, tongue & flavors, body & tactile sensations, intellect and ideas. "That is all (there is in form)," he said, "there is nothing that can be added or subtracted from this." The Buddha is specifically showing us that all our added responses from the past about the present are actually one of the six senses arising, as all the senses do, in the present moment. This arising of ideas in the present also includes the person who seems to be receiving those very sensations. Not spoken about in this sutta is the unformed, commonly referred to as sati or awareness. Awareness holds a direct wordless knowing, which does notrefer to the mental way we usually know something by giving it a name. There is space between this wordless knowing and the formation of words in the mind. Thoughts from the mind encircle this wordless knowing when, under the veil of ignorance, the two forms of knowing are perceived as one and the same. Ignorance enmeshes form with the formless, confusing the sacred with the mundane. Once this occurs we have only the sense data and our accompanying commentary to give us the information needed to navigate the world, the wordless discernment of awareness is no longer perceived.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society
In collection: Dependent Origination

2013-06-04 Guided Equanimity Practice Instructions 45:20
Jesse Maceo Vega-Frey
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Liberation of Heart and Mind: Insight Meditation and Lovingkindness Retreat

2013-06-04 Guided Meditation: Mindfulness of Breathing 63:59
Ajahn Sucitto
Breathing gets conditioned by how we live our lives – energy can be mottled and unbalanced. It is a signifier of the heart. We can take time during retreat to take samādhi as a way of life, unifying body, heart and mind to bring into fruition the factors of awakening.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Holistic Awareness: A Monastic Dana Retreat

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