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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2024-10-01 Understanding the Buddha's Path of Awakening - Part 1 - Meditation 29:15
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-09-30 Cultivating Wholesome Relationships - Week 4 of 5 - Meditation 28:00
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies: Cultivating Wholesome Relationships

2024-09-29 Gratitude meditation with introduction 26:30
Jake Dartington
London Insight Meditation Jake Dartington – A Fresh Look at the Path

2024-09-29 Twelve Practice Insights - Part Two - Meditation 30:35
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-09-29 Instructions & Guided Meditation - Releasing into the Web of Life 1:13:09
Gavin Milne
The double helix of disentangling, and opening to - noticing qualities of depth, as we release the bind. Normalising Papanca.
Gaia House Awakening in the World (3) : Awakening into the Web of Life (online)

2024-09-28 Anxiety and Depression Basic Tools for Meditators 36:20
Amita Schmidt
This talk offers some basic tools and reflections to help meditation students with Depression and Anxiety. You will learn to recognize the optical illusions of mind, label distorted thinking patterns, and unblend from difficult mindstates.
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center

2024-09-28 Instructions & Guided Meditation - Penetrating the Root of the Bind 1:18:06
Gavin Milne
Bringing awareness to the 6 senses, contact and feeling tone. Breathing as exemplar of the interdependent web. Opening to the 6 senses and let sense off the cushion. Continuity of practice.
Gaia House Awakening in the World (3) : Awakening into the Web of Life (online)

2024-09-26 Like an Instrument with Sarah Marie Hopf 52:45
James Baraz
How might you let Life play you like an instrument? In this talk James shares the evening with Sarah-Marie Hopf, a good friend, dedicated practitioner, coach and meditation teacher who shares about her journey of progressively deepening trust in the dharma and our True Nature and opening to what wants to flow effortlessly from the mystery into form. Becoming an unexpected singer-songwriter, she shares the origin story of her first album “Modern Mantras” which was inspired by songs that came through her spontaneously during a month long Spirit Rock retreat.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2024-09-25 Guided Meditation: Resting in Knowing 20:57
Tara Brach
Behind the activity of thinking, and the ever-changing flow of sounds, sensations and feelings, there is a great and awake silence that holds all that unfolds. This space of awareness is our formless essence. Learning to open and rest into this alert, knowing vastness has the blessings of homecoming.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2024-09-25 Steadiness ~ Walking the Question & Becoming the Answer 54:37
Ayya Santacitta
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene II | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room

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