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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-07-24 Discourse 60:34
Michele McDonald
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Divine Abiding Meditations as Path to Liberation Silent Meditation Retreat

2012-07-24 Instructions and Questions 1:16:33
Steven Smith
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Divine Abiding Meditations as Path to Liberation Silent Meditation Retreat

2012-07-24 Monthly Sitting and Inquiry: Jul 24, 2012 31:22
Gina Sharpe
Join us for a Monthly Sitting and Inquiry with NYI Guiding Teacher, Gina Sharpe. These regularly scheduled evenings will begin with a guided meditation and then open up to our practice questions allowing us time to deepen in Sangha through mindful community discussion.
New York Insight Meditation Center NYI Regular Talks

2012-07-24 Fundamentals of the Dharma: Wisdom 54:20
Rodney Smith
Wisdom is the integration of truth into your life. It is not theoretical or abstract in any sense, but a steady confidence of knowing what is true. Wisdom comes from seeing an experience in stillness, free from our normal commentary. Our narrative confines us to just what we have known and in the absence of the narrative arises a new perception. This is called wisdom.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society
In collection: Fundamentals of the Dharma

2012-07-23 Renunciation 46:43
Ayya Anandabodhi
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2012-07-23 Instructions and Questions 57:16
Michele McDonald
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Divine Abiding Meditations as Path to Liberation Silent Meditation Retreat

2012-07-23 Discourse 64:02
Steven Smith
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Divine Abiding Meditations as Path to Liberation Silent Meditation Retreat

2012-07-23 The Three Refuges - Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha - Week 4 - Talk 57:58
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course - The Three Refuges - Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha

2012-07-23 Questions and Answers 1:15:41
Bhante Khippapanno
Pilgrimage to the Buddhist Sacred Sites
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge July 2012 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2012-07-23 Being with what is 30:43
Amma Thanasanti
at the Monday Night Denver Against The Stream Group
Shakti Vihara

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