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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2015-01-25 The Psychological Body - Self Image, Self Reinforcement and Self Judgement 51:07
Martin Aylward
Continuing from the previous talk, Martin looks at the ways we imagine, maintain and reinforce our psychological sense of self. The talk explores how we live in images and descriptions of who we think we are, layered by our constant critical self evaluation, and points us beyond our psychology to a fuller and freer embodying of our life.
Gaia House This Body is the Universe

2015-10-10 Afternoon Teachings - Countering Self-Centredness 49:35
Martin Aylward
Our practice offers the opportunity to move beyond a self-centred relationship to life, yet much of our practice is centered on the self! This talk explores dharma practices and skilful means by which to counter our self-centredness and points us towards the ultimate transparency of our sense of self.
Gaia House Awake in Our Bones

2015-10-07 Afternoon Teachings - Freedom and Stimulus 45:40
Martin Aylward
Martin points out the 3 different kinds of stimulation (vedana) and explores skilful ways of exploring and responding to pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral experience. Emphasis is given to somatic practice, recognizing the physical contractions that form around the 3 types.
Gaia House Awake in Our Bones

2015-10-09 Afternoon Teachings - Practice as Purification (Part 2) 46:46
Martin Aylward
In this follow-up, Martin continues to look at the purificatory nature of dharma practice, opening up a space to meet and transform the impact of past habit energy. The teaching deconstructs the notion of karma, and maps the purification of mind-states.
Gaia House Awake in Our Bones

2015-10-08 Afternoon Teachings - Practice as Purification (Part 1) 48:14
Martin Aylward
This teaching examines our problematic associations with ideas of Purity, and explores ways that the practice of sitting meditation can be purificatory - both in terms of developing wholesome qualities, and in healing and releasing stored tension patterns.
Gaia House Awake in Our Bones

2015-10-10 Day Four - Morning Instructions 45:10
Martin Aylward
The nature of experience. The open field of experience and the open embrace of Awareness. Meditation with no body, no mind, no world.
Gaia House Awake in Our Bones

2015-10-07 Day One - Morning Instructions 39:08
Martin Aylward
Grounding meditation in bodily experience. Activating qualities of awareness through the posture: Grounded - steady, upright - bright, open - receptive, relaxed - gentle.
Gaia House Awake in Our Bones

2015-10-09 Morning Instructions 51:15
Martin Aylward
Recognizing states. Skilful response to how the mind is. Body and mind as a unified field of experience.
Gaia House Awake in Our Bones

2015-10-08 Day Two - Morning Instructions 47:15
Martin Aylward
No wrong experience. Allowing the passage of all that arises. Exploring the pleasant, unpleasant and neutral in meditation.
Gaia House Awake in Our Bones

2016-03-13 Inclining Towards Freedom - Clarity, Skilfulness and Love 52:25
Martin Aylward
Martin looks at qualities of mind that open up our Freedom of Being.He explores how Clarity dissolves our wrong views, how Skilfulness transforms our habits of mind, and how Love can hold all types of experience gently and wisely. The talk keeps references our common experiences, offering practical ways to integrate the teachings.
Gaia House Your Life is Your Teacher

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