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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-08-05 Untitled 31:24
Grove Burnett
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat

2012-08-05 Guided Metta Meditation 54:12
Kamala Masters
Ones self, benefactor, dear friend
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Awareness and Dhamma Wisdom: Insight Meditation Retreat

2012-08-04 Expectations 49:07
Deborah Ratner Helzer
Expectations on a journey of exploration. We never know where we might land - can we let go of expectations and be open to what comes?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Awareness and Dhamma Wisdom: Insight Meditation Retreat

2012-08-04 Untitled 28:01
Trudy Goodman
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat

2012-08-04 Noticing the Natural World 48:21
Ajahn Pasanno
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Family Retreat

2012-08-04 Morning Instructions Day #1 68:39
Steve Armstrong
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Awareness and Dhamma Wisdom: Insight Meditation Retreat

2012-08-03 Introduction to Retreat - Yogi's Three Jobs 1:11:38
Steve Armstrong
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Awareness and Dhamma Wisdom: Insight Meditation Retreat

2012-08-03 Wise Parenting in an Age of Ecological Loss 62:35
Betsy Rose
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Family Retreat

2012-08-02 Equanimity 59:25
Arinna Weisman
Equanimity is the mindful presence that neither grasps nor resists experience and is the ground for unconditional love and wise action. Arinna shares a variety of moving stories of deep equanimity and reflects on the position of equanimity as last in several important Buddhist lists. Concludes with a brief Q&A session.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2012-08-02 Buddhism as Storytelling, Storytelling as Buddhism 44:49
Gil Fronsdal
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Family Retreat

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