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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-07-04 The Bodhisattva and the Second American Revolution: Reflections on the Fourth of July 62:58
Donald Rothberg
We explore on this July 4th 1. The beauty and power of the vision of the 4th of democracy, equality, compassion, and happiness, 2. the contemporary problems that imperil the realization of this vision; and 3. a contemporary vision of addressing these problems and their inner and outer roots, inspired by the vision of the "new Bodhisattva."
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Annual People of Color Retreat: Deepening Your Dharma

2012-07-04 Obstacles On the Path 62:20
Bhante Khippapanno
Explanations of various obstacles on the path with more emphasis on restlessness, sloth and torpor and self doubt.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge July 2012 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2012-07-04 18. Taking Precepts 29:45
the value of ethics as a foundation for practice and as a protection of all beings
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Embodied Dharma

2012-07-04 17. Daily Life Practice 31:29
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Embodied Dharma

2012-07-04 16. Guided Brahma Vihara Meditation 35:17
drawing on themes of the 4 brahma viharas - kindness, compassion, joy & equanimity - infused with the divine bodhicitta of Kuan Yin
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Embodied Dharma

2012-07-04 15. Divine Within Human 53:57
4 brahma viharas & bodhicitta
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Embodied Dharma

2012-07-04 14. Original Mind 35:36
guided meditation pointing out 'mind'
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Embodied Dharma

2012-07-04 13. Leap Beyond 54:29
heart sutra and kuan yin
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Embodied Dharma

2012-07-04 12. Practice of the Four Truths 33:45
where there is samsara is nibbana
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Embodied Dharma

2012-07-04 11. Four Truths 42:10
contemplation and practice of the 4 truths
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Embodied Dharma

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