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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-07-04 10. Training of Mind 37:52
practice as preparation for when the hindrances hit - vitakkasantana sutta - skilful training of thought
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Embodied Dharma

2012-07-04 9. Contemplating Change & Worldly Winds 30:45
reflecting on change - the doorway into the changeless - maintaining well being in the face of change through wisdom
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Embodied Dharma

2012-07-04 8. Balance of Calm & Insight 36:15
mindfulness & clear comprehension in tandem with insight & wise reflection - two kinds of peace
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Embodied Dharma

2012-07-04 7. Hindrances & Stopping 39:49
stopping the momentum of the mind.. a serial killer stops and awakens
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Embodied Dharma

2012-07-04 6. Jhana Factors & Balanced Effort 25:22
cultivating balance and depth of inner well being
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Embodied Dharma

2012-07-04 5. Samadhi - Path into Here & Now 42:15
deepening presence here & now, 5 jhana factors, fruits of samadhi
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Embodied Dharma

2012-07-04 4. Guided Meditation on the Body 41:28
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Embodied Dharma

2012-07-04 3. Basic Sanity 43:51
sanity of mindfulness, mindfulness leading to insight into the nature of the body, simplicity, getting back on track
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Embodied Dharma

2012-07-04 2. First Foundation of Mindfulness 39:25
training of 'mano-vinnana' attention - withdrawing the mind from its preoccupations, working with the breath, way to one.
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Embodied Dharma

2012-07-04 1. Buddha's Essential Guidance 19:45
path as both gradual and immediate - succinct teaching of 'refrain from the unwholesome, lift up the good & purify the heart.'
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Embodied Dharma

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