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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2011-10-12 Subtle is Significant 56:00
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2011-10-12 Openess Merging Into The Deathless 24:58
Ajahn Sucitto
Different maps are given to track the trajectory from suffering to non-suffering. The themes are similar – finding resources to come into the present, meet what arises, not get stuck, know that no matter how pleasant or unpleasant this will pass – and we’re left with this openness. Trust the openness, where things end by themselves. This is the deathless.
Cittaviveka Vassa Group Retreat

2011-10-11 Forgiveness 43:38
Howard Cohn
Mission Dharma

2011-10-11 Satipatthana Sutta, Fourth Foundation: The Spirit of Questioning 56:21
Rodney Smith
Questions are the life's blood of the dharma. If we are willing to follow wherever the question takes us, then the question will take us out of our beliefs and opinions into something new and unexplored. Something will end in us and will not arise again in the same way.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society
In collection: The Satipatthana Sutta

2011-10-11 Busy Life, No-Self – Introduction & Guided Meditation 25:23
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center IMS Audio Files

2011-10-11 Busy Life, No-Self – Guided Meditation only 19:18
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center IMS Audio Files

2011-10-11 Wise Speech 13:35
Mary Grace Orr
Insight Santa Cruz

2011-10-11 Wisdom Activity 30:55
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka Vassa Group Retreat

2011-10-10 Poetry & Beauty 63:01
Jack Kornfield
Words, Metaphor and the Dance of Dharma
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2011-10-10 NYI POC Sangha: October Sit Right Understanding 39:44
Gina Sharpe
New York Insight Meditation Center NYI Regular Talks

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