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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-03-14 Loving One's Enemies III 65:47
Donald Rothberg
We bring in further practices and perspectives to help us work with "enemies" or "difficult persons" including various ethical, body, heart, and mind practices. We close by examining how we may sometimes project onto others our fragmented parts and thus use practice with enemies as opportunities to find greater wholeness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2012-03-14 The Grace of Connection 58:02
Sylvia Boorstein
A Brahma Vihara talk that emphasizes the importance of equanimity as the foundation for metta, compassion and appreciation. Also the relationship of Wisdom and Equanimity as mutually causal, and how wisdom both sustains equanimity and is a reflection of equanimity.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation Retreat, March Month Long

2012-03-14 07 Conditionality and The Four 58:41
Stephen Batchelor
Insight into conditionality as the core of the Buddha's awakening; reading of and reflection on the first discourse; the process of the four: embracing dukkha, letting go of craving, experiencing the stopping of craving, cultivating the path.
Australian Insight Meditation Network (Sine Cera Retreat Center) An Introduction to Secular Buddhism

2012-03-13 Awakening 54:52
Martine Batchelor
Australian Insight Meditation Network (Sine Cera Retreat Center) An Introduction to Secular Buddhism

2012-03-13 Beyond I, Me, Mine 41:48
Howard Cohn
Mission Dharma

2012-03-13 Insight & Diversity 66:31
Ralph Steele
We will use the Four Foundation of Mindfulness as a frame of reference to support the understanding of our relationship with our inner and outer environment.
New York Insight Meditation Center NYI Regular Talks

2012-03-13 Freedom of Mind and Heart 57:34
Larry Yang
The Third Foundation of Mindfulness
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation Retreat, March Month Long

2012-03-13 06 Dukkha and Tanha 60:27
Stephen Batchelor
Definition of dukkha; dukkha and pleasure; "fully understanding" dukkha; the Buddha and Nagarjuna's understanding of the five bundles as not self; definition of tanha (craving); clinging and narcissism.
Australian Insight Meditation Network (Sine Cera Retreat Center) An Introduction to Secular Buddhism

2012-03-12 Maranasati 54:11
Eugene Cash
Mindfulness of Life & Death
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2012-03-12 Ethics, Compassion and Wisdom 44:56
Martine Batchelor
Australian Insight Meditation Network (Sine Cera Retreat Center) An Introduction to Secular Buddhism

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