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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2011-04-24 Opening Talk for the Work Retreat 29:21
Caroline Jones
Gaia House Work Retreat

2011-04-23 Decision Making 44:12
Shaila Catherine
We make many decisions and choices in our lives. To choose one option, we inevitably sacrifice other possibilities. Beliefs and personal standpoints limit the range of our options. What are your priorities in life? What are your strongest intentions and aspirations? The Kalama Sutta offers recommendations for making decisions—consider what leads to happiness and what leads to harm. The ten unwholesome and ten wholesome actions, and ethical precepts are explored in this talk as guidelines for wise decision making.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Everyday Dhamma—Teachings for the Lay Life

2011-04-23 World as Self 15:52
Joanna Macy
Spirit Rock Meditation Center World as Lover, World as Self

2011-04-23 Workshop - The seven Factors of Awakening 5:23:41
Steve Armstrong
Common Ground Meditation Center

2011-04-23 Joanna and Wes-Networking with participants 46:03
Joanna Macy
Spirit Rock Meditation Center World as Lover, World as Self

2011-04-23 Gratitude and Emptiness 61:17
Steven Smith
Hollyhock :  Metta Vipassana with Mindful Movement

2011-04-23 Buddha Blues and Performance 35:21
Wes Nisker
Talk and performance
Spirit Rock Meditation Center World as Lover, World as Self

2011-04-23 The Elements; Q&A 63:46
Wes Nisker
Our Bones=earth; Blood, tears, sweat, fluids=water; warmth=fire/sun; breath=air; space=where we are/where it happens
Spirit Rock Meditation Center World as Lover, World as Self

2011-04-23 2 Forms of Power 55:06
Joanna Macy
Since the Greeks, Heraclitus-flow and change but Parmenides' view won out: THINGS, matter, stuff, leads to power OVER. But systems view more modern-energy/mind flows, information flows more important view.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center World as Lover, World as Self

2011-04-23 Sharpening the Five Faculties 67:53
Sayadaw Vivekananda
Mountain Hermitage Vivekananda

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