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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2010-12-30 An Evening with Kate 61:50
Kate Munding
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2010-12-30 Expanding Beyond our Limited Storyline 50:03
Sharda Rogell
As we shed our identification with our past and free ourselves from the belief, "I am my story," we open to a larger field of reality and to infinite possibilities of expressing who we truly are.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center New Year's Retreat

2010-12-30 Timelessness 20:43
Ajahn Sumedho
07 of 43 from Luang Por Sumedho - CD: Talks from Thailand (2008-2014)

2010-12-30 The Faces of Suffering 44:06
Amma Thanasanti
Shakti Vihara New Year 2011 Retreat on Brahma Viharas

2010-12-30 Compassion - Guided Meditation 44:31
Amma Thanasanti
Shakti Vihara New Year 2011 Retreat on Brahma Viharas

2010-12-30 Extending Metta - Guided Meditation 45:58
Amma Thanasanti
Shakti Vihara New Year 2011 Retreat on Brahma Viharas

2010-12-30 Instructions on Vedana and The Hindrances 36:16
Chris Cullen
Gaia House The New Years Retreat

2010-12-29 Awakening To What? 54:10
Eugene Cash
What is awakening? What do we awake to? What do we awake from? What allows for awakening to unfold.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Embodying the Heart of Wisdom: New Year’s Retreat

2010-12-29 What's the Point of Meditation? (Offsite at Walden West) 44:40
Marvin Belzer
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Teen Retreat (Offsite at Walden West)

2010-12-29 The Path of Transformation 62:31
Tara Brach
Awakening arises out of presence with the changing ground of our lives. This talk explores three key gateways to liberating presence: forgiveness, inner fire (aspiration) and a deep inquiry into the nature of our own mind.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2010 - IMCW New Year's Retreat - Awakening the Heart of Compassion

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