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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2010-11-17 Practicing with Intentions 46:52
Donald Rothberg
We explore 1) The nature of intentions, 2) The importance of intentions in our practice, 3) karma and intentions, and 4) how to practice with intentions.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2010-11-17 Reflections on Compassion 33:52
Sally Armstrong
Guided reflective meditations on compassion for someone who is suffering, for oneself, and for the world.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2010-11-17 Compassion Needs Emptiness 47:03
Sally Armstrong
True compassion needs space to function. The less self-obsessed we are, the more responsive and connected our hearts can be.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Emptiness: A Meditation and Study Retreat

2010-11-17 Investigation, Noble Uncertainty, Spiritual Inquiry 56:51
Yanai Postelnik
The awakening factor of investigation moves us to look deeply into our experience, acknowledging that there is always more to understand in the simplicity and mystery of being alive here and now. As we learn to bring a deep and open-hearted curiousity to our each moment and to our very existence itself, without taking any position on our self or this world, life can open to reveal the deepest truth of freedom.
Gaia House November Solitary Retreat

2010-11-17 Reflection: Transformation and Relinquishment of Afflictive States of Mind 16:27
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage Self No Self and the Creative Process

2010-11-16 Emptiness in the Mahayana 64:19
Gil Fronsdal
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Emptiness: A Meditation and Study Retreat

2010-11-16 The Empty Nature of Awareness 68:12
Guy Armstrong
We can be aware of many objects in meditation. It's also possible to turn our attention to awareness itself. The talk explores what happens when we do this. Is awareness findable? Does it come and go? Is it conditioned? And what is the value of meditating like this?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Emptiness: A Meditation and Study Retreat

2010-11-16 Big Mind Guided Meditation 44:15
Guy Armstrong
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Emptiness: A Meditation and Study Retreat

2010-11-15 Joy & its Causes 65:46
Jack Kornfield
How Joy can be found, nourished and brought alive in the very circumstances of our life. Shifting from our loyalty to suffering, to a deeper freedom of heart.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2010-11-15 Don't Believe the Second-Hand Story 45:20
Howard Cohn
Mission Dharma

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