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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2010-10-09 The Buddha's Question 66:27
Winnie Nazarko
The Buddha's life provides insight into the nature of his search, and the framework he used to explain his findings - The Four Noble Truths.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2010-10-09 Awareness: The Mirror of Inner Beauty / Consapevolezza: lo specchio della Bellezza Interiore 57:04
Steve Armstrong
Monastero di Camaldoli :  Awareness with Wisdom - Pure and Simple

2010-10-09 Wise Equanimity 57:24
Ajahn Sucitto

2010-10-09 Emptiness 69:25
Leigh Brasington
Nagarjuna, emptiness and dependent origination
Gaia House Paticca-Samuppada and Jhana Dependent Co-Origination and the Meditative Absorptions

2010-10-09 Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness 1:10:37
Leigh Brasington
Mindfulness of the six senses, of the Seven Factors of Enlightenment and the Four Noble Truths.
Gaia House Paticca-Samuppada and Jhana Dependent Co-Origination and the Meditative Absorptions

2010-10-08 Wise Concentration 62:12
Marcia Rose
Learning how to properly apply the 3 active forces of purification - sila (virtue), samadhi (concentration), and panna (wisdom) is essential to our practice. this talk explores the active force of samadhi (concentration)... its basis, the process of its development, and the fruits of concentration.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge October 2010 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2010-10-08 Simplicity Of Non-Reactive Mind 59:51
Carol Wilson
Luang Pu Dun defines the second noble truth as the mind that goes out to satisfy its moods, and the result that comes from the mind going out to satisfy its moods is suffering, - the first Noble Truth is the result of this! This talk describes how the mind can get lost in thoughts and create suffering.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2010-10-08 The Freedom of Forgiveness 61:40
Vinny Ferraro
Sitting with the cost of not forgiving and the opportunity to do something different in this moment.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Kind Awareness

2010-10-08 Attributes of Inner Beauty / Gli attributi della Bellezza Interiore 28:33
Steve Armstrong
Monastero di Camaldoli :  Awareness with Wisdom - Pure and Simple

2010-10-08 Dependent Origination and Rebirth 57:46
Leigh Brasington
Gaia House Paticca-Samuppada and Jhana Dependent Co-Origination and the Meditative Absorptions

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