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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2008-10-11 Vivid, Vibrant Vedana 57:22
Pascal Auclair
Exploration of feeling tone for yogis on retreat
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2008-10-11 The Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold Path 67:31
Leigh Brasington
Gaia House Jhanas and Dependent Origination

2008-10-10 Die beschutzende Kraft des Dhamma 65:41
Ariya B. Baumann

2008-10-09 Freiheit 54:11
Ariya B. Baumann

2008-10-09 Dzogchen 1:14:11
Lama Surya Das
Insight Santa Cruz

2008-10-08 Die Kilesas und die drei Schulungen 67:47
Ariya B. Baumann

2008-10-08 Self And Selflessness 61:31
Joseph Goldstein
Understanding how the sense of self is created and how to free ourselves from this great illusion.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2008-10-07 So ist es (Gr.lagen der Achtsamkeit) Teil II 62:57
Ariya B. Baumann

2008-10-07 Ten Paramis 62:27
Lama Surya Das
The ten paramis (or perfections) are transformative practices of a Bodhisattva, one who is on the path to liberation. In the Zen school of Buddhism these ten paramis are generosity, ethics, patience, effort, meditation, wisdom, skillful means, spiritual aspiration, higher accomplishment, and awakened awareness. These practices become perfected qualities in an awakened one. The first 6 paramis, starting with generosity and building up to wisdom, are laid out in the Pali Canon, which is said to record the actual words of the Buddha. Later, in Mahayana sutras, these 6 were expanded to 10 to provide the far-reaching, well-rounded principles for living the good life. You can read all about these perfections in Lama Surya Das' book, Buddha Is As Buddha Does
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley

2008-10-06 So ist es (Gr.lagen der Achtsamkeit) Teil I 62:25
Ariya B. Baumann

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