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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2009-04-15 Unholy Emptiness 47:07
Stephen Batchelor
Gaia House The Zen Retreat

2009-04-15 Welcome to Part 2 51:47
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage Hermitage

2009-04-14 What Needs To Be Done: Wise Action and Karma 56:27
Sharda Rogell
Our actions through speech and body have powerful consequences. We can choose whether they are wholesome or unwholesome. How can we strengthen the goodness while diminishing suffering.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Buddha’s Way to Happiness: Insight Meditation Retreat

2009-04-14 Ten Paramis: Renunciation (2) 54:44
Rodney Smith
Renunciation is releasing what is not true and no longer needed.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society
In collection: The Ten Paramis

2009-04-14 4th AM Qs and As: Dhamma bingeing/taking practice home,working with pain,"Not me, Not mine, Not who I am" 18:51
Steve Armstrong
Madonna Retreat Center :  Mindfulness and Equanimity

2009-04-14 Where is the Middle Path in Life, in Practice, in the Mind 47:31
Steve Armstrong
Madonna Retreat Center :  Mindfulness of Mind/Equanimity

2009-04-14 Creative Engagement 61:16
Martine Batchelor
Gaia House The Zen Retreat

2009-04-13 Aliveness & Awareness 8:30
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2009-04-13 The Complicating Nature of the Self View. 62:34
Howard Cohn
A talk pointing out the differance between direct exploration and the added narrative.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Buddha’s Way to Happiness: Insight Meditation Retreat

2009-04-13 True Person of No Status 60:36
Stephen Batchelor
Gaia House The Zen Retreat

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