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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2009-01-15 Knowing Through Dispassion 37:24
Ajahn Sucitto
Mindfulness offers the ability to sustain, to notice, and therefore to be wise. Through this we can experience feelings that arise as energy in the body. Stepping back, there is a shift from being in these to a knowingness of them, with resultant dispassion. This is the liberating process of insight.
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat

2009-01-15 Opening Talk for An Exploration of Mindfulness MBCT/SR Retreat 60:03
Christina Feldman
Gaia House An Exploration of Mindfulness MBCT/SR Retreat

2009-01-14 Humble Of Heart 1:11:49
Tara Brach
As consciousness evolves, there is a deepening understanding of the interdependence of all of life. This wisdom naturally leads to an authentic humility--an awakening from the burden and violence of self-importance. In this talk we explore the relationship between being humble of heart, and living with kindness and compassion. There is particular attention to the necessity of humility and deep listening--as individuals and societies--if we are to respond to conflict in a way that can bring peace to this earth.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2009-01-14 The Path of Inquiry 59:00
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2009-01-14 The Terrorist and the Treasure 33:55
Kittisaro’s father and mother meeting Ajahn Chah The terrorists of the heart that rob the true treasure Finding a solid footing Ajahn Chah's encouragement to be an earth worm rather than a bodhisattva Ajahn Chah’s take on Samatha & Vipassana Letting go is peace
Dharmagiri Original Brightness Retreat

2009-01-14 Friendliness, Consolation And Appreciation 47:52
Sylvia Boorstein
Short talk leading into meditation
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2009-01-14 Evolutionary Wisdom 49:10
Wes Nisker
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2009-01-14 Intergration Into daily Death 36:28
Ajahn Sucitto

2009-01-14 Generating Skilful Feeling 34:30
Ajahn Sucitto
Mindfulness is about knowing how one is affected. We come to know where impulses and intentions/motivations come from, whether these are spiritual or worldly. With skilful intention, there is the possibility to generate pleasant feeling within ourselves. We can find joy in our own presence rather than through external means.
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat

2009-01-13 Fruit Arises According to the Dharma 33:21
Path Activity breaks up obstructions Beginners mind, patience, kindness This is how it is Working with how it is rather than how it should be The three streams of karma / energy Samadhi as healing
Dharmagiri Original Brightness Retreat

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