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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2008-04-06 King Pasenadi Goes on a Diet (Part 2) also Self Knowing a Quiet Passion #36 1:18:46
Larry Rosenberg
Reflections on the Buddha's Teaching of Mindful Eating and the Flowering of Wisdom
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center CIMC Wednesday Talks

2008-04-06 Crisis in Tibet, Lama Gosananda, The Dalai Lama and Paul Ekman 49:36
Eugene Cash
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2008-04-06 02. The Benefits of Metta 55:40
Ariya B. Baumann
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Three-Month Retreat

2008-04-06 Unfabricating Reality 43:00
Jose Reissig
The first step to unfabricate reality is to catch the mind in the act of fabrication. When we drop all this make-believe, we discover that our mind is naturally and awesomely spacious.
Dominican Sisters center at Saugerties :  Rhinebeck Sitting Group Retreat

2008-04-06 Being Touched By Life 53:13
Brad Richecoeur
Gaia House Insight Meditation And QiGong

2008-04-05 Finding Freedom from Fear 1:17:38
Myoshin Kelley
Guest Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2008-04-05 01. About Metta 67:26
Ariya B. Baumann
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Three-Month Retreat

2008-04-05 Purity Within Form 41:24
Ajahn Sucitto

2008-04-05 Authentic Action 49:25
Rodney Smith
What is action when it is not related to conditioning and fear? This talk explores action from stillness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Living Freedom: Insight Meditation Retreat

2008-04-05 Looking Forward 38:39
Jose Reissig
The future is make-believe. We take up residence in it under the misconception that it's secure. The only true security is in opening to the real.
Dominican Sisters center at Saugerties :  Rhinebeck Sitting Group Retreat

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