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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2006-07-17 Relaxed Attention 60:10
Ajahn Sumedho
Amaravati Monastery Vassa Retreat

2006-07-17 Buddhist Psychology - Delusion 61:15
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2006-07-17 Creative Engagement with Contact 51:55
Martine Batchelor
Gaia House Study Retreat

2006-07-17 Going Against the Stream 56:37
Stephen Batchelor
Gaia House Study Retreat

2006-07-16 Resonating With Suchness 26:45
Ajahn Sucitto
The capacity of the resonant mind to listen, to be empathetic, is tremendously helpful. It’s what we set up in puja. The mundane is held in a blessed way. Things we didn’t know we needed to be felt are felt – it goes beyond words.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat

2006-07-16 The Whole Person - Integrating Bodily/Emotive/Rational Patterns 56:13
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat

2006-07-16 Guided Meditation On Energetics - Deepening Ground 47:57
Ajahn Sucitto
In meditation the ground has to be both clear and enjoyable. Make a joyful kind of effort. Refer to breathing to give focus; refer to the physical when the mind spins out. Track energy along the chakras – expand it, spread it around. May this be well.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat

2006-07-16 Being The Knower 51:19
Ajahn Sumedho
Amaravati Monastery Vassa Retreat

2006-07-16 The Whole Person - integrating bodily, emotive, rational patterns 56:14
Ajahn Sucitto
A teaching on the faculties of body, speech and mind and their patterning, saṇkhāra. In meditation, we work with the energy of these patternings. Clear and soothe body energies with breathing, and heart energies open. Upright presence of body allows us to remain attuned with the madness of the mind.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat

2006-07-16 Motivation, Faith and Inquiry 51:46
Martine Batchelor
Gaia House Study Retreat

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