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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2005-05-02 Carrying The Blessings 62:26
Ajahn Amaro
Strategies on using the insight and peace from Retreats and regular practice through out our daily lives. (Estimated date of talk. Exact date unknown)
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-05-01 One Step and One Kiss 47:39
Molly Swan
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2005-05-01 A Mind Like Fungi 59:20
Ajahn Amaro
Ajahn Amaro recollects his past year on Sabbatical in India, the value of not having to be anybody, and the skillful use of thought in reflective meditation. (Estimated date of talk. Exact date unknown)
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-05-01 Unlearning Permanence 37:51
Jose Reissig
This talk starts with an introduction on the futility of amassing knowledge. It then examines the genesis of our implicit belief in the permanence of things, and explores ways to unlearn it.
Philadelphia Meditation Center

2005-05-01 Unlearning Clinging 34:39
Jose Reissig
Unlearning clinging is a corollary of unlearning permanence. This is so because clinging is futile as long as what we cling to is impermanent.
New York Insight Meditation Center

2005-05-01 Unlearning Me 45:51
Jose Reissig
As the Buddha showed, clinging gives birth to the I. The I, in turn, keeps puffing itself up by further clinging. When we understand that this generates nothing but suffering, we are ready to unlearn the I, that is the "Me."
Philadelphia Meditation Center

2005-04-30 Home 55:50
Trudy Goodman
Closing talk about leaving home and being home—a home for the heart.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center (Yucca Valley)

2005-04-30 How, Not What - Life As Rhythm 36:35
Ajahn Sucitto
Grasping experiences life as "things." This brings stress. To handle radical insubstantiality, we attune to rhythm, energy—breathing.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2005-04-29 Meditation Processes 57:32
Ajahn Sucitto
Finding a base in the present and releasing into the flow of experience.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2005-04-28 Deepening Daily Life Practice 69:41
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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